Reddit Raiders Have Exposed The Blatant Fraud On Wall Street

The Group Known as the Reddit Raiders are Using Companies Like Game Stop to Show The Public That Wall Street and The Stock Market Is Nothing More Than a Ponzi Scheme.

“Con-fidence”- the state of feeling certain about the truth of something. Firm trust. 

Creve Coeur, Missouri USA, 2021-Feb-03 — /EPR Network/ — They go by the name of Wall Street Bets. They are better known as the Reddit Raiders.

The Reddit Raiders are an online forum under the name of Wall Street Bets on the social media site Reddit.

No one really knows much about the Reddit Raiders but they appear to be a group of U.S. citizens that are tired of the fraud of Wall Street going all the way back to 2008.

Millions of Americans were forced out of their homes back in 2008 thanks in large part to the mortgage industry, the Federal Reserve, and of course Wall Street.

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Many Americans were affected by the 2008 collapse in the financial markets and they never forgot that the bankers got billions in bailout money while main street Americans were forced out of their homes.

No banker ever went to jail. No one from Wall Street spent time in prison.

Nothing was ever resolved from 2008. The private central bank known as The Federal Reserve printed trillions in bonds to paper over the problem. This debt that was issued by the Federal Reserve Bank will never be repaid and everyone knows it.

“The Con Works, Until It Doesn’t”

Jeffrey L. Klump

Fast forward to just a couple of weeks ago and most people never heard of Wall Street Bets or their number one long position in a company called Game Stop.

Game Stop is a brick and mortar company that sells video games and accessories. The company was a dog stock priced at around $2.80 a few weeks ago, and going nowhere.

Then, The Reddit Raiders stepped in after finding out several large hedge funds were short the stock. The Raider’s started to buy large amounts of Game Stop, and last week, the stock hit an all-time high of $496.00 per share. Fortunes were made by some, but the big hedge funds, some of which, were tied to Wall Street were bleeding badly.

Billions were being lost by some of these big hedge funds including Melvin Capital.

Melvin Capital is run by some snot-nosed punk named Gabe Plotkin.

Plotkin was busy in South Florida buying up a couple of “tear down” properties when he got the call that he lost half of his net worth. Oops. Not a good time to invest in real estate.

The Reddit Raiders were primarily using a brokerage firm known for its zero cost trading, called Robin Hood.

Robin Hood is also in trouble financially from all of this trading caused by the Reddit Raiders.

What this all comes down to is this. Wall Street has been orchestrating a fraud on the American people, primarily through the U.S. stock market & bond market, for decades, and a group of citizens decided to expose the blatant fraud on Wall Street.

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Wall Street and its friendly neighborhood regulators decided to halt trading in stocks like Game Stop until their friends in the hedge fund business could receive capital injections so they would not collapse.

If you or I lose money on a business venture including investing in the stock market, we do not get bailed out. Wall Street hates the little guy and is always out to screw retail investors.

The Wall Street banks and their friends in the hedge fund community don’t like to lose money, so they don’t. They only get to make money at everyone else’s expense.

“Wall Street is a casino and the house always wins”

Jeffrey L. Klump

Remember what comedian George Carlin said. ” It’s a big club and you ain’t in it”.

Along with staying in stocks like Game Stop and AMC Theaters, the Reddit Raiders next big move is in the silver market.

Silver prices have gone up more than 10% since the Raiders started talking about destroying the short-sellers like JP Morgan Chase, late last week.

Physical silver is almost impossible to find right now. Dealers and suppliers have been cleaned out.

The Reddit Raiders have their work cut out for them when it comes to destroying the short sellers in the silver market.

The silver market is big and the biggest short seller on Wall Street in silver is JP Morgan Chase. They also happen to be the largest U.S. bank.

JP Morgan has unlimited funds since it is tied directly to the Federal Reserve.

This will not be easy for the Raiders, but the American people are already paying attention and buying tons of physical silver.

If the Reddit Raiders are successful in doing to the silver market what they did to Game Stop and AMC Theaters, you will see regulators step in and shut down the markets temporarily.

Shorting silver is tied to keeping the U.S. dollar stable and as the world’s reserve currency, trustworthy.

The Federal Reserve will do whatever is necessary to make sure the Reddit Raiders are not successful.

So, what is the message the Raiders are sending to Wall Street and their hedge funds? “Yippee Ki Yay, Mother Fuckers!”.

Whoever the Reddit Raiders are, they mean business!

Jeffrey L. Klump is a writer, blogger, researcher, and work from home business opportunity specialist. Click here to contact me. 








Yes Virginia, the system is clearly rigged | by omid.malekan | Jan, 2021 | Medium

Yes, Virginia, The System Is Clearly Rigged | ZeroHedge

Goldman Sachs says this is the biggest short squeeze in 25 years, with shorted stocks up 98% (

Silver prices are surging but users on WallStreetBets say they’re not behind the rally – CNN

Silver Prices Jump in GameStop-Like Frenzy – WSJ


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