Types of Wastewater Treatment Plants

Gujarat, India, 2021-Nov-23 — /EPR Network/ — Wastewater treatment uses specialised procedures to remove organic matter and other impurities from wastewater. Wastewater treatment programs seek to make wastewater clean and safe enough to discharge without damaging adjacent residents or the local ecosystem.

A wastewater treatment facility could be used to clean sewage and storm water in a city. To disinfect its chemical-filled process water, an industrial production facility may have an on-site wastewater treatment plant, or it may partner with adjacent facilities for wastewater treatment.

Four types of Wastewater Treatment Plants:

There are four different types of wastewater treatment systems. We’ll go through the many types of sewage treatment systems and other wastewater treatment solutions, as well as how they handle various forms of wastewater, in the sections below:

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1. Sewage Treatment Plants (STPs):

Contaminants are removed from wastewater in sewage treatment plants. A typical STP would be a water treatment plant in a large American metropolis. This plant would take sewage waste from both residential and business structures, as well as commercial wastewater on occasion. Rainwater and debris from storm sewers would also be collected.

By purifying inhabitants’ wastewater with a combination of physical, chemical, and biological treatment before discharging it into the environment, and STP like this helps to keep them safe and healthy.

When wastewater arrives at a sewage treatment plant, it undergoes a rudimentary filtering process. It passes through screens and into settlement basins, where detritus can be sluiced out. Debris is extremely damaging to the tanks and equipment of an STP. It’s critical to remove as much debris, grit, and sand from the wastewater as possible because it can cause excessive wear and tear and shorten the equipment’s lifespan.

Many STPs are classified as three-stage because their wastewater is processed in three stages:

  • Primary treatment,
  • Secondary treatment
  • Tertiary treatment

2. Effluent Treatment Plants (ETPs):

Sewage treatment plants, as we’ve seen, are generally used to handle domestic as well as municipal wastewater. On the other side, effluent treatment plants often clean industrial wastewater. They treat industrial effluent, which is wastewater produced as a byproduct of these businesses.

ETPs are frequently used in industries that have a significant risk of chemical contamination in their wastewater, such as pharmaceutical manufacturing and chemical industries such as textile and dye manufacture. Plants are unable to release these chemical pollutants into the environment unless they have been thoroughly treated. Distinct businesses may have different wastewater compositions, necessitating slightly different ETPs.

ETPs process their waste water in 4 steps:

  • Preliminary treatment
  • Primary treatment
  • Secondary treatment
  • Tertiary treatment

ETPs are advantageous for large enterprises, but they might be difficult to implement for smaller ones. They are big and expensive to build and operate, and their operations and maintenance frequently necessitate the use of skilled technicians. While larger institutions may readily meet these demands, smaller facilities must explore other options.

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3. Activated Sludge Plants (ASPs):

Plants that handle activated sludge are comparable to sewage treatment plants. To digest biological pollutants, they treat sewage wastewater using activated sludge. Though activated sludge may be used as a supplementary treatment in an STP, it plays a more prominent role in an ASP.

Dissolved oxygen is used in activated sludge operations to encourage the formation of biological flocs, which are clumps of organic matter. Following that, the biological flocs aid in the breakdown of pollutants in the wastewater. They trap particles and clean wastewater by converting ammonia to nitrites and nitrates, which are then converted to harmless nitrogen gas.

How does an ASP’s process work? The ASP uses blowers to blast air into raw, unsettled sewage during activated sludge treatment. The air breaks apart the solid particles, turning the raw sewage into a more liquid substance. Many of the organic waste and pollutants are subsequently digested by the biological components in the mixture.

In comparison to normal STPs, ASPs have a few additional advantages:

  • The process is less complicated.
  • More consistent outcomes.
  • Re-seeding the digestive chamber with helpful bacteria is simple.
  • There are fewer offensive odours.
  • Tanks are emptied at longer intervals.
  • There will be less anaerobic sludge to remove.
  • Economic upkeep has been increased.
  • There are no moving parts to break or foul.
  • It’s easier to maintain because you don’t have to top off the tank with germs.


They are frequently useful in situations when convenience, cost-effectiveness, and simplicity are important.

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4. Combined Effluent Treatment Plants (CEPTs):

Smaller wastewater generators can use common and combined effluent treatment systems to handle their waste. Smaller manufacturers and other businesses that produce wastewater, such as tanneries, cannot always afford to run their own treatment plants. They lack the financial resources to maintain and run these big, complex facilities in a safe and efficient manner.

CEPTs allow multiple wastewater-generating facilities in an industrial cluster to pool their effluent and treat it in a centralised plant. The costs of maintaining and operating the CEPT are shared by all of the minor facilities that send their wastewater to it. They obtain clean, compliant effluent in exchange for not having to run many full-scale facilities.

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