ClickReviewz™ Takes A Close At The Bedroom Guardian That Promises To Get Rid Of Bed Bugs In As Little As 24 Hours

New Jersey, 2017-Oct-04 — /EPR Network/ — Rising cases of bedbug infestation have been reported across America over the decade. Data from the National Pest Management Association shows that over 93 percent of all homes in the USA are susceptible to bed bug attacks at least once every year. This has necessitated the creation of an effective anti-bed bug kit, which is not only effective against the bugs but also safe for household use.

Unfortunately, majority of the bed bug repellents tend to fall short of expectations. Most brands only manage to destroy the bugs in the first few days of use only for the problem to recur a few weeks later. One anti bed bug kit that promises to go against the grain is Bedroom Guardian , which, though quite expensive on successive use has been associated with a growing number of positive results.

No Negative Side Effects Reported

According to one Bedroom Guardian review ( ), the product is a US-made bed bug repellent device, which is marketed as an odorless product with no negative health effects.

Claimed to work in less than 24 hours, the disc-shaped device is designed to emit ingredients to keep bed bugs at bay. A close look at the product instructions, all one needs to do is place the device under the mattress for several days. This creates a preventative barrier that protects the house from future bug attacks.

A statement from the manufacturer confirms that this is a flagship product that was launched following a massive infestation that plagued the greater hotel industry. The multi-prong product works by disseminating some chemicals, which stick to the oily body of bed bugs puncturing their exoskeleton. This leads to dehydration, which then causes death in several hours.

Past Users Reports Mixed Feelings

After an in-depth analysis of various Bedroom Guardian reviews reveals mixed feelings from different customers. While a significant majority seems to agree on the merits of this product, there are those who disagree.

The company, however, attributes majority of these complaints to a gross misunderstanding of the product and its usage guidelines. In itself, the anti bed bugs kit works more as a preventative measure than a curative one. Cases of its ineffectiveness seem to mainly emanate from situations where bed bug colonies have already made their way into the mattress. In that case, it is necessary for a more aggressive extermination method to be used.

This is what most people seem to ignore instead preferring to directly place the disc beneath the bed. That tends to impair the efficiency of this product given its mode of dispersion and general use.

In general, ClickReviewz™ seem to agree that this product could provide much-needed protection against bug attacks should it be put to proper use. Consumers are however urged to seek more aggressive treatments if the bed bugs have already made colonies in their homes.

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ClickReviewz™Is an online product review website that offers unbiased reviews to help consumers make the right buying decisions online.

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Lemarc Spencer
Company: ClickReviewz™
Address: New Jersey, USA

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