2012 is the 10th Anniversary of the Great Gorilla Run

Released on: August 22, 2012, 3:23 pm
Industry: Travel

LondonTown.com helps gorilla runners of all levels find accommodation in the capital

-- /EPR NETWORK/ -- It's a race like no other. Every year the Great Gorilla Run takes place to raise awareness of the plight of the world's wild gorilla population. This year it celebrates its 10 th anniversary and hundreds of people are expected to turn out and run or walk the 7km City and Bankside route to show their support.

The Great Gorilla Run is organised by the Gorilla Organisation. It works on raising money to help local African communities live harmoniously alongside their gorilla neighbours with each party benefitting � African's receive funds and tourism whilst the gorillas are protected from poaches and are able to live peacefully in their natural rainforest environment.

The race takes place on 22 September and costs £80 to enter � this fee includes a gorilla outfit, which can be customised as each runner sees fit. Additionally, each runner must raise at least £400 in sponsorship.

The race starts and finishes in the City of London and takes in many of London 's best sites including Tower Bridge and St Paul 's Cathedral. People can sign up on GreatGorrillaRun.org.

In order to ensure runners arrive on time and don't have to carry around excess clothes as well as wearing gorilla suits, LondonTown.com advises participants to spend a couple of nights in the city. It has a range of London hotels on offer making a weekend in the British capital all the more affordable. Its two suggested hotels, both close to The City, are The Tower – a Guoman Hotel and Grange City Hotel London.

The Tower – a Guoman Hotel is a plush, contemporary four-star property boasting outstanding riverside views and fantastic guest reviews. Room rates start at £75 per night, which is exceptional for a four-star property so close to the action. This stellar rate is thanks to an exclusive discount from LondonTown.com of 92%.

The rate for the Grange City Hotel London is arguably even more spectacular. This is an exclusive, five-star luxury hotel but LondonTown.com has got it on offer from £90 per room, per night. It too boasts beautiful views of London and additionally it has a pool, sauna and spa – perfect for relieving tension in those well-used gorilla legs after the race.