The Future of Online Advertising Might Be Google-less


Context and content targeted advertising has risen in popularity according to a recent report, thanks in many respects to the rise in popularity for in-site advertising for publishers.

For_Immediate_Release:, the free website popularity resource, reported that several companies have entered the contextual advertising space because of the ever-burgeoning search advertising market and many of these firms have product that either rival or exceed those provided by pre-IPO Google.

Google revenue is based on its online advertising program, AdWords, which is driven in large part by AdSense affiliates. Many of these affiliates are not pleased with the relevancy of the advertisements that publishers are displaying on their sites, as they dramatically compete with content on the existing page due to its direct relevancy model of displaying in line text advertising.

New products entering the market do provide some solace for advertisers and publishers who are fed up with poor performing ads, with many advertisers suffering less than one percent CTR.

Services such as AccessoryAds from enable advertisers to bid and appear within categories adjunct and not competing with their own. Surfers are more likely to need and benefit from the advertisements encouraging affiliates to display the in-line text ads and share in the revenues provided by sending quality visitors.

The AccessoryAd program lets advertisers bid to appear on websites where visitors need the product or service they are selling. AccessoryAd specializes in the travel, online gaming and website owner industries.’s also recently released AccessoryAds™ Publisher program that lets affiliates display ads on website that will not compete with what affiliates are selling and provide a greater income opportunity than other ad content providers like Google.

AccessoryAds™ Publishers focus on providing advertisers to the travel, online gaming and website owner industries and is constantly identifying advertisers who want to display ads on partner websites.

AccessoryAds is owned and operated by, a leading pay per click search engine providing advertisers and affiliate quality programs since 1997.

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