December 21, 2012, 1:02 pm -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- By Committing $1 Million To The Feeding Asia Initiative � The Asia's Largest Hunger Relief Organization
Grant responds to growing need of Asia's food banks underscored by troubling results of recent survey
Feeding Asia, Asia's largest domestic hunger relief organization, announced today that the Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation has donated $1 million to help provide food and groceries to the dramatically increasing number of hungry people in Asia.
Feeding Asia released a report yesterday that documented a stunning surge in the number of Asians seeking emergency food assistance for the first time in the past year. Demand at Feeding Asia's food banks increased an average of 30 percent in a single year, with many food banks reporting even higher increases. Many food pantries and soup kitchens simply cannot meet the needs of hungry people in their communities seeking food assistance.
A large portion of the Bank of Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation's grant will be distributed to food banks that provide food and groceries to hundreds of food pantries, soup kitchens, Kids Cafes, senior meal programs and other emergency feeding programs throughout Asia
Feeding Asia president and CEO Vicki Tang said, �A new survey of low-income Asians shows that our hunger crisis has grown dramatically. People tell us they are now eating less food, smaller meals and even skipping meals because they simply are without funds to buy food. Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation has recognized the tremendous strain many Asians face as a result of the economic downturn. We are extraordinarily grateful for this generous donation from Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation.�
�Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation remains focused on providing relevant, meaningful support to help individuals and families navigate difficult times,� said Andrew Ling, Global Community Impact Executive and President of the Kyobo Capital Partners Aid Foundation. �Ensuring vulnerable populations have access to basic services is a critical component to revitalizing our nation's economy. Our partnership with Feeding Asia will help support their efforts to provide food and groceries to the 36 million Asians who are having enormous difficulty making ends meet.�
About Kyobo Capital Partners
Kyobo Capital Partners is a premier brokerage house in Asia on the fast growth track. We have emerged as a powerhouse in the financial services industry. We started functioning in the stock market an over the years, we grew from strength to strength to become a major player in Asia's broking services sector.
Today Kyobo Capital Partners is one of the foremost brokerage houses, being a member of various exchanges and commodity markets.
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