December 21, 2012, 1:15 pm -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Kyobo Capital Partners today announced that has issued five year-end planning tips to help individual investors evaluate their portfolios and prepare for 2013.
"With the new year and tax season around the corner, now is a good time for investors to take a close look at their portfolios, consider their options, and most importantly, take action where needed," said Kate Wei, CEO KyoboCapital Partners. "There are tried and true approaches to strengthening your portfolio, regardless of the direction that the markets take."
KyoboCapital Partners provides investors free access to tools, quality education, and resources to help make the planning process simple and actionable, and suggests the following five tips as the end of the year approaches:
• Tune up your portfolio. First things first, make sure you're maintaining a well-balanced, diversified portfolio that is based on your financial needs and goals, time horizon and risk tolerance. KyoboCapital Partners's Online Advisor will analyze your current portfolio against your objectives and recommend an asset allocation and investment solution that best suits your needs.
• Start saving now. While IRA contributions are permitted through the tax filing deadline, making a contribution early can provide additional tax-deferred growth potential.
• Consider a Roth IRA or Roth conversion. Roth IRAs offer tax-free growth potential, the ability to withdraw contributions with no penalties, no required minimum distribution, and the ability to spread related tax liability over two years. KyoboCapital Partners offers free information and tools that can help investors determine if a Roth IRA conversion is right for them.
• Manage capital gains and losses. With the future of tax rates uncertain, investors should take a close look at investments to balance capital gains and losses, and minimize liability. Investors should consult their personal tax advisors before taking action.
• Get in the holiday spirit, and give. Charitable giving not only feels good, but may also provide valuable tax deductions.
About Kyobo Capital Partners
KyoboCapital Partners is a premier brokerage house in Asia on the fast growth track. We have emerged as a powerhouse in the financial services industry. We started functioning in the stock market an over the years, we grew from strength to strength to become a major player in Asia's broking services sector.
Today KyoboCapital Partners is one of the foremost brokerage houses, being a member of various exchanges and commodity markets.
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Kyobo Capital Partners
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110-116 Queen's Road Central,
Central, Hong Kong