Topcone Launches Online Rental Assets Management Software

Released on: January 06, 2014, 8:40 am
Industry: Internet & Online

-- /EPR NETWORK/ -- enables Property owners/Managers to manage their Rental Contracts, Lessees/Tenants, Billings, Payments and much more for all their properties and units from anywhere, anytime.

“Allrentalz was developed with focus on meeting the specific requirements of the users with features and tools which make things a lot easier to manage, thus making it time and cost-effective.” Said  Ramesh Ramchandani, CEO of TopCone Inc.

Benefits of Using the Software

  • Easy Access : Data is stored online on a secured location which can be accessed by multiple authorized users like landlords, managers, tenants at anytime through internet. Data entered is available on real-time to all the authorized users, the system is updated automatically with Online payment details and displays it accordingly.
  • Cost Effective : No need to buy expensive software which requires installation and updating from time to time.
  • Flexibility : It makes it easier to communicate with others, allows landlords, property managers and tenants to view their own data online. Software is multi-user enabled, thus allowing multiple computers to make use of it all at the same time. Online payment feature provides the tenants with more options for making payments, increasing the probability of receiving the payment on time.
  • Security and Reliability : The data is stored at a secured location which can be accessed by authorized users only. No fear of losing the data as backups is performed on daily basis. Another great thing about this software is that it is highly accurate.

Useful For Managing Properties Like:

• Residential Apartment Units

• Multi Unit Condominiums & Town home Complexes

• Mixed Use Retail/Office Complexes

• Office Medical & Industrial Buildings

• Stand Alone Commercial Buildings

• Retail Shopping Centers

• Raw Land & Strip Malls and more!

*      NAME: Ramesh Ramchandani
*      TITLE: CEO, TopCone Inc.
*      EMAIL:
*      PHONE: 818-453-2704

Web Site:

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