FORT COLLINS, CO, October 10, 2014 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- Accomplished documentary filmmaker, Shantel Rizzotto, is venturing where few women have gone -- behind the lines and Between the Stripes - with her new documentary about women referees.
Never has the time been so right to explore a woman's place in the professional sports arena. Despite the odds, a small number of women like pioneering NFL football official Sarah Thomas, have infiltrated this male-dominated stronghold, but many others are fighting for a presence on the field, in the rink, and courtside. What are sports-minded females finding as they try to break through this barrier? Are any teams supportive? What will it take for women to gain the respect of their male counterparts? How does lack of female representation in this field affect young girls and women? Could professional referees be part of the few remaining boy’s clubs? This topic is yet to be explored
in depth on camera. Yet, our society has strong opinions that cover the spectrum.
This project will dive deeper into this debate. Rizzotto will interview sports writers, commentators, professional associations, current referees, and women trying to make their mark in this profession. “This documentary is a search for understanding of gender barriers - not to point blame,” said Rizzotto. “Since the dawn of professional sports, women have been missing. On the playing field, on the sidelines as coaches, and in-between as referees.” Rizzotto is seeking project support through Kickstarter, the world's largest funding platform for creative projects. People from around the world can donate. The platform is all or nothing. In order to receive funding, the project must be fully funded. Once funded, “Backers” receive awards.
Kickstarter campaign: Between the Stripes on Kickstarter
Interview Producer: Shantel Rizzotto email shantelrizzotto[@]
Twitter: @RefereeDocFilm
Contact-Details: Shantel Rizzotto