Bangalore, November 13, 2014 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- BioGenesis Health Cluster, a non-profit organization operating in the healthcare sector, todayannouncedits two global events- 3rd World Congress on Geriatrics and Gerontology&The International Conference on ‘Women and Girl Child for Social and Economic Equality 2014’. BioGenesis Health Cluster, which co-ordinates, integrates, develops and markets the Indo-European Health Cluster as one of the leading life science clusters in India focuses on development of innovative drugs, diagnostics and platform technologies.
India today has around 100 million elderly population and problems faced by this population are numerous. The 3rd World Congress on Geriatrics and Gerontology is a platform which would delve into the subject of elderly care and in offering a better life to them. BioGenesis alsohighlighted the role of IT companies who have come forward to support healthcare to make it simpler and more accessible, through tools like non-invasive diabetic technology. App Developers are also focusing on healthcare, some of the applications being on smart-phonesto allow easy check-up of BP, heart rate etc. This can make the life of a senior citizen a lot easier.The event scheduled for 17, 18 & 19 November 2014, at J. N. Tata Auditorium, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bengaluru, is aimed to help medical professionals in the field as well as general public to understand, empathize, take actions and develop better solutions to help old people across the globe.
BioGenesis Health Cluster,inspired by Clinton Foundation on the subject of Women and Girl Child, has associated with ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) to organize the International Conference on Women, Child and Social Welfare (ICWCS-2014) to be held at J.N. TATA Auditorium, Indian Institute of Sciences, Bengaluru from November 17th, 18th & 19th, 2014.This global platform would deliberate on the pressing women-centric issues like breast cancer, sexual and reproductive health, public policy and economic status of women in developing countries, child labor, right to education, malnutrition, infections and many more.
Commenting on the associationDr. V.P Rao, Convenor, World Congress on Geriatrics & Gerontology – Healthy Ageing in the Changing World 2014 and International Conference on Women and Girl Child for Social and Economic Equality-2014said,” We are pleased to announceabout organizing events of such global status. There is a dire need for popularizing geriatrics care and empowering the status of women in India. The objective of these conferences are to educate the professionals in the field as well as the common people on the innovations, treatments and care services for various health issues related to elders and the women folk in our country.”
Dr. Anoop Amarnath, Chairman, World Congress on Geriatrics & Gerontology – Healthy Ageing in the Changing World 2014 stated that, “With increase in globalization, it is important for every nation to understand the issue of ageing and its associated medical, social, and ethical problems. Today the elderly population is plagued with diseases like Obesity and Metabolic Syndrome, Arthritis, Osteoporosis and Falls, Cancer, Cardiovascular diseases (CVD), Vision and Hearing Loss, Teeth, Mental Health: Memory and Emotional Well Being. World Congress on Geriatrics & Gerontology 2014, is an initiative to bring all the professionals and experts on a common ground and there is a necessity and requirement for the doctors to update their knowledge on treatment patterns and care services to patients aged above 65.”
The Geriatric conference would see presence of stalwarts in the field of elder care from all corners of the world like Dr. Makoto Goto, M.D., Ph.D JAPAN, Prof. Helene Corriveau, Ph.D Canada, Dr. Timothy Henwood, PhD, BSc (Hon1 - HMS), BSc (Sp&ExSci), MESSA, EP, MAAG AUSTRALIA, Research Fellow, University of Queensland, Prof. James L. Fozard, Ph.D USA and Dr. Amit Arora, M.D., FRCP, MSc UK, Deputy Chair and Trustee of the British Geriatric Society
Also present at the event was,Dr. Padmini Prasad, Chairperson, International Conference on Women and Girl Child for Social and Economic Equality-2014 (ICWCS) who mentioned, “There is no avenue in which women have not ventured into and shown their worth. However, we are yet to realize and recognize their efforts, it is important for us, as an ecosystem to provide an impetus to their status. Our effort to coordinate the International Conference on Women and Girl Child-2014is to amalgamate ideas and information on the health and society related issues faced by women and solutions thereof.”
The International Conference will witness discussion on topics like Globalization and Women Empowerment, Violence against Women and Children, Advanced Skills in Breast Cancer, Primary Care Women's Health, Legal, Social and Ethical and Commercial Implications, Women and Child Welfare Policies, Programs and Schemes, Children Rights and UN, Challenges in Sexual and Reproductive Health, Sexually Transmitted infections and Women's Sexual and Reproductive Health.
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