Releases The Best Days for Online Christmas Shopping Is Black Friday Even on the List?
Released on: November 14, 2014, 10:46 am
John Freeland
Internet & Online
Las Vegas, Nevada, November 14, 2014 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- has released its Special Report #6, “The Best Days for Online Christmas Shopping – Is Black Friday or Cyber Monday Even on the List?” Shopping trends continue to change and many consumers are simply not keeping up. In this Special Report you will find the best days to get the best deals on all your Christmas shopping. Do not rely on historical shopping days, retailers are choosing more days to give deep discounts and some of your favorite shopping days may have changed.
There is no reason to be shopping at brick and mortar – ever! Unless you simply enjoy it, you are of the age group that does not mess with computers, or that word we used to hear a lot of when we were in high school or college – the word “Procrastinator” is still a term that others define you as being. If you haven’t grown out of that word yet and find yourself on December 24 hanging around Macy’s beauty aisles, then this article is not going to help you. You see, this article is for the advanced procrastinator, the early bird shopper who has waited until December 23 to do their online shopping, knowing very well that most online stores now-a-days entertain overnight delivery and some will even pay for it.
We don’t recommend you wait until the 23rd to do your shopping online but we will show you how to complete all your Christmas shopping online in one morning, afternoon or evening and you do not have to leave the comfort of your home or if you prefer your office. I know lots of people that shop for Christmas presents at the office – I still do, but I’m the owner and I don’t have shareholder’s that control the company yet, so I don’t have to worry about anyone talking behind my back as if I were doing something wrong.
The months of November and December are the biggest shopping months of the year. Many retailers will show eighty percent of their sale for the year in just those two months. If a retailer has a poor holiday shopping season then they had a poor year.
The last few years have been different. Marketers have figured out how to use technology with marketing and taking customer behavior, shopping habits and human psychology and what we call the Obama Transparency Factor and throwing it in a big stew and what comes out is the following: Black Friday isn’t Black Friday Anymore. What I am trying to say is that Black Friday isn’t the only day for the best prices any more. The best prices overall are spread out over several days.
Stores are taking lessons learned from the Obama playbook; believe what I say and not what I do. In other words, “When it comes to holiday shopping, it pays to track what retailers do, not what they say,” stated Shelly Banjo of the Wall Street Journal. From 2008, Adobe Systems has collected information on one trillion visits to 4,500 retailing websites and their finding was that Black Friday isn’t the best deals day. Matter of fact, there are five days besides Black Friday that match best prices and discounts.
In 2013, retailer’s biggest price cuts were on the Monday before Thanksgiving and shoppers who bought items the day before Thanksgiving got the lowest prices, according to Adobe.
The weeks before Black Friday had better deals than the weeks before Christmas. In addition, those who shopped on Black Friday were more likely to find items out of stock.
To Continue to the Full Report with a Chart of the Best Days Click Here (
About John Freeland
John Freeland is the President and CEO of His goal is to help online shoppers save money by providing amazing cash back rebates, coupons and exclusive deals on everyday items. John blogs at and can also be reached at John is also an investor and owner of various companies in a variety of industries ranging from real estate to ecommerce to investment banking.
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John Freeland, President and CEO
Las Vegas, Nevada
Direct: (661) 388-1900