Lower Merion, Pennsylvania, January 02, 2014 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- The course will take place on November 11, 2014, from 7:00 PM until 9:00 PM, at Lower Merion High School in Ardmore Pennsylvania. This is the first time Main Line School Night has offered a course in 3D printing.
The class will be led by Ralph Ferro a resident of Lower Merion Township. The instructor is a Network Engineer and technology enthusiast who built two of his own 3D printers from information available on the Internet.
Mr. Ferro became interested in 3D printing technology after reading an article about a carpenter who lost 4 of his finger in a work related accident. The carpenter could not afford the $10,000 per finger prosthetic solution offered commercially at the time, so he decided to design his own working hand and print it in plastic on a 3D Printer. He then used fishing line and nuts and bolts and assembled all of the parts for less than $100. The hand opens and closes by the action of the wrist.
The original design has evolved and has spawned a massive movement of volunteers with access to 3D printers that design and print prosthetic hands for anyone that needs them, at no cost to the recipient. E-nabling The Future is one such organization of volunteers that matches those in need with builders and designers. Mr. Ferro is a member of the organization and offers his services to those that need it.
Those attending the course will see Mr. Ferro’s 3D printers in action and will have a chance to see first hand the processes and procedures involved in printing 3D models. The 22 students who were lucky enough to register for the class are from a variety of backgrounds.
Some of the topic covered will include:
1.Discussion of building your own versus purchasing a system that runs out-of-the-box.
2.Demonstration of the 3D Printing toolpath: The steps, tools, software and procedures to go from an idea, ---to a design of a model, --- to a computer file, --- to output to a 3D printer.
3.3D scanning Demonstration and Discussion: Inexpensive 3D scanning and Scans and models completed by the Instructor using Photogammetry.
4.Explanation of 3D Printing technologies and their various applications.
5.Discussion on the vast variety of printing materials.
6.A display of 3D models printed by the Instructor
Ralph Ferro
Lower Merion, Pennsylvania
(1) 610-952-8391