FAAIF Announces Sponsorship of International Islamic Banking and Finance Law Conference 2015
Released on: December 22, 2014, 9:41 am (EST)
Camille Paldi
Dubai, UAE, December 22, 2014 -- /EPR NETWORK/ -- FAAIF CEO Camille Paldi announces that FAAIF is sponsoring the International Islamic Banking and Finance Law Conference 2015 in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia in February, 2015. Paldi stresses the importance of Islamic finance dispute resolution to the Islamic finance industry and says that the industry cannot survive without solid and uniform regulation, a unique and independent dispute resolution framework, and a bankruptcy court. - See more at: http://internationalfinancemagazine.com/article/The-dispute-resolution-conundrum-of-the-Islamic-finance-industry.html#sthash.YqMrPk0t.dpuf. FAAIF CEO says that the KL conference is an excellent platform through which to brainstorm, discuss, and find solutions to the dispute resolution conundrum of the Islamic finance industry.
The conference is organized by the Malaysian Bar Association and Malaysian Current Law Journal and is hosting notable speakers such as the Hon. Datuk Dr. Haji Hamid Sultan bin Abu Backer, Judge, Court of Appeals, Malaysia. Topics include the Current Legal & Regulatory Framework For Islamic Finance and Banking in Malaysia; Islamic Banking and Finance: Products and Services; Bank Negara Malaysia Guidelines, Regulations and Standards; An Update on the Islamic Finance Services Act 2013; Islamic Banking Products: Transactions & Documentation; Sukuk: Concept, Structure & Security Commission Requirements; Islamic Banking Regulatory Authorities in Malaysia: Their Roles & Powers; Responsible And Sustainable Banking & Emerging Markets in Islamic Finance; Impact of Islamic Finance on Mergers & Acquisitions (M&A); Islamic Wealth Management & Succession Planning; and Islamic Finance in Arbitration. Supported by the Finance Accreditation Agency (FAA), this conference will deliberate on current and legal issues in Islamic finance, legal and regulatory risks in developing and enabling the Islamic finance environment, potential legal and regulatory impediments in Islamic banking, corporate governance requirements, and risk management in Islamic finance.
This conference aims to showcase first-hand experience from market regulators, Shariáh scholars, and leading industry practitioners as well as hopes to bring together participants from diverse backgrounds, specializing in legal, advisory, banking, fund management, and other related services. CPD credits are available for lawyers. The event website can be found at http://www.shariahlaw.com/iibfl2015/#section1. Camille Paldi can be contacted at camille@faaif.com.
FAAIF Limited is a legal and management consultancy firm servicing clients in Islamic banking, finance, and takaful. FAAIF Events is an events production and management company http://www.faaif.com.
Camille Paldi, CEO
FAAIF Limited
Dubai, UAE
+971 56 950 0562