- with a booth at the Orbit-iEX

Released on = May 17, 2005, 5:44 am

Press Release Author =

Industry =

Press Release Summary = The press agency of the digital era will be present at the Orbit-iEX, Switzerlands biggest professional forum for Information Technology and Communications.

Press Release Body = The first edition of the Orbit-iEX – in which the Basel based Orbit and the Internet Expo (IEX) from Zurich are united – is taking place from May 24 to 27 in Basel. By the conjunction of these two important fairs, that last year drew 400 and 350 exposers respectively, the Orbit-iEX has become an unmissable event for all professionals of the Swiss It-, Telecom- and Internet-Community. will be present at this event with its partner MNC/Alcatel. Thus the press agency can develop its presence and its customer network in German Switzerland and the German-speaking countries. After the opening of a branch office in Basel in May 2004 the enterprise has already established first contacts with the business circles of this region, which are to be further intensified at the Orbit-iEX. "We are very happy to participate at the biggest IT fair of Switzerland and have the opportunity to further strengthen our presence in German-speaking Switzerland" says Thomas Nagy, Chief German Content Officer in Basel. "Even if our company has strong international ambitions, the local market has a high priority for us", precises Clément Charles, Chief Executive Officer of

Orbit-iEX 05 / 24 - 27. 05. 2005 / Messe Basel
Our Stand : Halle 2. 2 / Stand L 40

Web Site =

Contact Details = Clément CHARLES ­
+41 22 700 35 67

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