Hood River, OR, May 06, 2015 -- /EPR NETWORK/ --According an online report, UK’s Navy is sending drones to search for people smuggling refugees from Africa to Europe. Hood Tech’s launchers start the searches.
According to http://forces.tv/04558549, the United Kingdom’s Navy is sending Hood Tech’s UAV launchers ………..“as part of the mission to stop people smugglers in the Mediterranean”……(The UAVs are)………“launched by a pneumatic catapult from Royal Navy and Royal Fleet Auxiliary vessels.” “We’re pleased our launchers may be used to save lives”, said a Hood Tech representative.
When in 2002 Hood Tech began producing innovative UAV launchers and retrieval systems for small UAVs, those innovations enabled the elimination of runways. This freed aircraft for shipboard use, for deployment in irregular or disrupted landscapes, and for other difficult locations. Showing their ruggedness and reliability, Hood Tech launchers have initiated tens of thousands of flights under the extreme environments of combat in Iraq and Afghanistan and aboard ships in the oceans around the globe.
Dr. Andy von Flotow founded Hood Technology in Hood River, Oregon in 1992. In addition to the design and manufacture of launch systems, Hood Technology:
-Provides zip test services for pre-flight safety verification of experimental aircraft and components.
-Owns and maintains a silent wind tunnel for measuring UAV engine and prop noise in accordance with MILSTD1474.
-Develops, tests, and manufactures stabilized imaging systems for a variety of UAVs
-Monitors blade vibrations in industrial turbines and jet engines, a diagnostic method for predicting possible future turbine failures.
The Hood Tech web site is: www.hoodtech.com
Cory Roeseler
Hood Tech
135 Country Club Road, Building A
Hood River, OR 97031