Print Belize Limited - Now Manufacturer of International Quality License Plates.

Released on = June 17, 2005, 10:06 am

Press Release Author = Print Belize Limited

Industry =

Press Release Summary = Announcing the aquisition of EHA Hoffman Press. Print Belize is now abled to produce high-quality license plates at international standards.

Press Release Body = Print Belize Limited continues to invest in order to increase the quality and caliber of the services and products we offer to the Belizean
public. The company is proud to announce its newest acquisiton, teh EAH Hoffman Press, used for the manufacture of license plates. Previously, Belize imported license plates from abroad; but now, with this new machine in placem Print Belize can produce durable, rust-proof, high-quality reflective license plates - truly a product that Belizeans can be proud of.

A company Hoffman Automatik, based in Germany, sent Mr Frank Schwellnus, a highly trained technician to install the machine and to train our Print Belize personnel in the production of license plates.

Mr. Lawrence Nicholas, Cheif Executive Officer of Print Belize Ltd. said "It is a historic moment for us at Print Belize as well as our Country, because we now have
the technology to produce large quantities of cost-effective, first quality reflective license plates upon demand from the Government. It is a way that Belize
needs to go -- with the localization of our products but at an internationally acceptable quality".

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Contact Details = Mrs. Alva Adle
#1 Power Lane
Belize, Central America

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