Zip Television goes Crazy Sensible for Honda campaign

Released on = June 3, 2005, 2:35 am

Press Release Author = Zip Television

Industry = Advertising

Press Release Summary = Zip TV’s latest Honda interactive ad campaign combines brand extension and increased data capture with mobile content

Press Release Body = Today, Zip Television unveils its Honda Crazy Sensible interactive ad campaign, which will be aired on Sky, Channel 4, Channel 5 and IDS channels. The objective of the campaign is to encourage consumers to participate in, and have fun with, Honda’s advertising. Viewers are urged to e-mail in their Crazy Sensible stories and see them appear in the advert. Zip TV has improved accountability via requesting important vehicle ownership and reintention information, a ‘smart email’ function
and postcode-driven dealer locator; all providing powerful data capture tools.

Honda’s Marketing Communications Manager, Matthew Coombe, says: “Working with Zip Television enables potential Honda customers to interact with the brand for a much longer period of time than they would have with a linear ad campaign. As a result, they can have some fun with the interactive content, and importantly, the Honda

The campaign, uniquely developed by Zip TV, extends the Honda brand experience from 60 seconds to one that lasts for several minutes through interactive creative that
engenders a sense of fun and desire.

John Dalziel, Head of Client Services for Zip Television, adds: “In the ‘send us your stories’ section consumers can see the Crazy Sensible stories that have been e-mailed in or send in their own tales. A great example is running 26 miles wearing
a chicken suit, which sounds like a crazy idea, but when it’s running a marathon for a cancer charity then this becomes a sensible one.”

Dalziel goes on to say: “In the past, capturing extended automotive data in iTV has been slow and difficult, but Zip TV’s simple ownership and reintention questions, smart e-mail function and dealer locator changes that dramatically.”

The additional ownership and reintention questions enable Honda to find out whether a company purchase is public or private, when they are thinking of changing their car and what type of car they will replace it with. The smart e-mail function, which is unique to Zip TV, is a first for Honda and unique to automotive advertising, provides an increasingly user-focused way of collecting e-mail addresses by using a
predictive fill function.

This has proven highly successful in previous Zip campaigns with upwards of 40% of those who pressed the red button using the ‘smart email’ function to complete their details. Finally, the dealer locator function uses the postcode data, which has just been captured, to pinpoint the address of the nearest Honda dealership and passes this information on to the viewer in the connection screen.

As a way of increasing brand interaction Zip TV has, for the first time, incorporated mobile content into its campaign making ring tones and wallpaper available to consumers. This is further evidence of how the company is looking to
push the boundaries and explore more converged markets. It is believed that Zip TV’s latest interactive content and innovative data capture tools will have a positive long-term affect on advertisers and agencies, as they look for greater efficiency and measurability from their campaigns.

Editors notes

About Zip Television
Zip Television specialises in the creation and measurement of new TV advertising models in a changing digital and interactive TV landscape.

The company is shaping the future of television by developing new products and services that benefit its clients and support the growth of the industry.

Zip has a detailed working knowledge of the digital and iTV landscape in the UK, forming partnerships with the major broadcasters and digital platforms. The team’s skills are founded on years of interactive media and creative experience, combined with data planning and analysis.

Zip’s client base represents 40% of the TV advertising spend of the top 50 UK advertisers and includes: Honda, Orange, Unilever, Reckitt Benckiser, BT, Gillette, Masterfoods, Daimler, Chrysler and UIP. These advertisers are taking an active role in the evolution of the TV advertising industry, sharing insight and learning to exploit the brand opportunities that digital and interactive TV provides.

Katy Howell
immediate future.
0845 408 2031

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