Hostage: Newly Released Fiction Presents An Untimely Face-Off Between
Violent Crime And Schizophrenia
Released on
= August 10, 2005, 11:01 am
Press Release
Author = Lanette Zavala
Industry = Entertainment
Press Release
Summary = Everyday countless lives are touched directly or indirectly
by what is so recognized as an inescapable stigma of mental illness.
Written by Tonshea Carroll and Lanette Zavala, Hell Hostage addresses
the sensitive subject of schizophrenia from a unique angle with
a touch of both drama and comedy. This fiction is a thriller that
performs the unlikely heroism of a schizophrenic woman, the unlikely
relationships among two trapped murderers and their kidnap victims,
and an unlikely turn of events.
Press Release
Body = Rodney Price and Fernando Torres, wanted for slayings in
the South, are so notoriously unafraid to die while terrorizing
society that they neglect to prepare for the worst. Then, they face
their fate, tailored to actually tame them. During a devious plot
holding a frightened rich couple for ransom on the isolated home
acreage of their intended third hostage (EmmaJean MacNeal), the
killers attack her right at the point where it’s crucially
time that she catch up on her overdue dosage of medication. Unaware
of EmmaJean’s indiscernible issue, these men persist with
their plan to hold her hostage along with the other two –
and prevent her from taking the medicine. Only hours later, tables
are turned and the world of a schizophrenic hostage
overtakes everyone on the crime scene. Holding all weapons and an
adrenaline of physical strength, EmmaJean renames and re-identifies
everyone in her clouded world: Rodney as “Langley”,
her defiant husband who deserves vicious beatings
tongue lashes, and strict household chores and Fernando as “Otis
Banks”, “Langley’s” badly influential friend.
She perceives the kidnapped couple, who
suddenly find themselves positioned to use her delusion as a way
to instigate against their brutally weakened kidnappers, as “Junior”
and “Emma” – her children with “Langley”
and her little angels.
As Hell Hostage explores this world of EmmaJean MacNeal, it presents
the idea that other emotions can potentially conquer fear. Then,
at that point, anything is
Hell Hostage is available for sale through major online bookstores.
Also, “Hell Hostage: The Play” is scheduled for stage
performance in Houston, Texas at The Ensemble Theatre/The Performance
Center (using the Fannin Entrance) on October 14 and 15.
Web Site = http://www.booksandbiz.com
Contact Details
= Contact: Lanette Zavala
3727 Greenbriar, Suite 108
Stafford, Texas 77477
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