2nd India Medical Tourism Expo 2006
Released on = December 6, 2005, 11:51 pm
Press Release Author = Eshita Bhoumik
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = Second edition of India Medical Tourism Expo is being organized from 2nd - 4th June 2006 at Olympia 2, London, UK in association with High Commission of India, UK, BAPIO, India Tourism, UK, Indian Association of Tour Operators, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare & FIEO .
Press Release Body = Second edition of India Medical Tourism Expo is being organized from 2nd - 4th June 2006 at Olympia 2, London, UK in association with High Commission of India, UK, BAPIO, India Tourism, UK, Indian Association of Tour Operators, Ministry of Health & Family Welfare & FIEO .
The first edition, India Medical tourism Expo 2005 was a first of its kind Exhibition to promote India as a healthcare destination. The Mega Event took inspiration from the fact that Medical Tourism has so far been relatively unexplored in India and it needs to be globally promoted as a tourist destination with low-cost and high-quality medical care. As expected this Exhibition was well received by the public in UK and received wide press coverage from BBC, CNBC, SKY News etc
The second edition will be bigger and far greater in scale with presence of alternative medicines & therapies for spiritual and mental healing It will attract the General Public in UK and Europe to discover India as a Global Health Destination. Medical tourism is likely to be the next major foreign exchange earner for India as an increasing number of patients, unwilling to accept long queues & high costs in the western countries would be traveling to the country. The Government has introduced various policy measures to further encourage medical tourism. We firmly feel that tripartite synergy between Government, Hospitals and tour operators would do wonders in attracting foreign patients to India.
Exhibitor's Profile: �Hospitals �Key Doctors / Surgeons �Alternative Medicine Therapies �Travel Agents/ Resorts / Hotels / Airlines �State Govt's �Pharmaceutical Companies �Trade Associations �Insurance & Financial Institutions
Visitor Profile
�General Public �Doctors, General Practitioners �Corporate Houses, MNCs etc. �Venture Capitalists �Health counselors & analysts �Healthcare Professionals �Healthcare societies,associations & organizations �Hospitals, Clinics and health-centers �Pharmaceutical companies �Medical Tourism companies �Retailers �Students �Travel Houses �Airlines
Shell stands are constructed with aluminum frames with White panels - The octonorm system.
Space Rental
� SHELL SCHEME: 300 GBP per Sq Mtr/ Rs 24,000/- per Sq Mtr (Minimum Stall Size 9 Sq Mtr)
Shell scheme includes: Space with stand fittings, including side & rear panels, chairs, tables, carpet, lighting, single-phase socket outlet, waste basket, fascia name board, general security, stand cleaning, free editorial entry in the exhibition catalogue
� BARE SPACE: 260 GBP per Sq Mtr / Rs 21,000/- per Sq Mtr (Minimum Stall Size 27 Sq Mtr) � This fee does NOT include: company display materials, promotional items, airfares, freight costs, accommodation or any other incidental travel expenses.
Web Site = http://www.medtourismexpo.com,www.ibeworld.com
Contact Details = INTERNATIONAL BUSINESS EVENTS C1/D,First Floor,Green Park Extn.,New Delhi -110016 INDIA Tel:00-11-26536075-77 Fax:00-11-26536086 Email:info@ibeworld.com
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