Argentina Small and Medium Business
Released on = December 28, 2005, 9:12 am
Press Release Author = Daniel Avaro
Industry = Small Business
Press Release Summary = Latin American Markets launched a new market research on Argentina Small and Medium Business. This research analyzes the main cualitative and cuantitative of the small and medium business productive structure in Argentina. The report describes the composition of such productive structure by sector and sub-sector into the different economic activities, location information, employment and sales and revenues by sector.
Press Release Body = Latin American Markets ( a new market research on Argentina Small and Medium Business.
This research analyzes the main cualitative and cuantitative of the small and medium business productive structure in Argentina. The report describes the composition of such productive structure by sector and sub-sector into the different economic activities, location information, employment and sales and revenues by sector.
The report includes a chapter on small and medium companies characteristics, definitions and segmentation. Other parts of the report shows the productive structures by economic activity sector and SME�s exports participation.
The report latest edition is September 2005, with 115 pages and 92 charts, tables and graphics, and is offered in text (hard cover) with digital version as optional. An excel database spreadsheet with related data is included with the report, covering 1.100 economic activities. Language is spanish.
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Contact Details = Phone 54 911 5185 7902
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