Obesity And Fat Loss With Remedies To Reduce Stress In America
Released on = December 11, 2005, 7:27 pm
Press Release Author = BodyBalance, Inc
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = America\'s fight to control obesity and it\'s damaging effects on our fast paced life-styles. Stress and it\'s intensified damage to our bodies due to over weight and bad eating habits. Why and how phytonutrients which are newcomers to the health industry are improving our health.
Press Release Body =
Why is America getting FAT and FATTER? Well lets start with the statistics from a National Health and Nutrition Surveys. 33+% of Americans 20 years of age and older are estimated to be over weight. Who has time to eat a balanced meal anymore. The Big Gulp, Biggie Fries and Mocha Frappachino hold 1st place in America\'s daily eating habits. We have forgotten RDA (Recommended Daily Allowance) of 3-5 servings of vegetables daily, and 2-4 servings of fruit. We no longer eat because we are hungry, we eat because we can! And to make ourselves feel good, we buy low fat, low calorie, no sugar, foods; why?
We have diet books, fitness programs, fat blockers, body raps, fitness videos and guess what? 95% of America is still unsuccessful in losing weight. The foods that grandma use to make are \"too boring\". Our new taste buds have been awakened to the latest \"fast food\" and \"snack\" sensations for the lowest price. There is a high price to pay for poor eating habits that will ripple from generation to generation.
Obesity and sickness is the price that must be paid for bad eating \"habits\". For the past 50 years being \"over weight\" has been the number one health problem in America. Over weight problems are increasing extremely. Starting with depression, sluggish energy levels, reduced sex drive, degenerative immune system, diabetes and certain cancers. \"STRESS\" for those who are over weight is rising above critical levels. Normal amounts of stress are ok, but excessive weight only intensifies stress levels.
The results of too much stress are panic attacks, dissatisfaction with life, forgetfulness, migraine headaches, high blood pressure and the symptoms go on and on. But here is good news! It\'s called \"Phytonutrients\".
What are \"Phytonutrients?\" Nutrients concentrated in the \"skins\" of vegetables and fruits. They are potent antioxidants that can neutralize free radical damage. Phytonutrients are \"newcomers\" to the health-food table. Pill-makers are trying to package phytonutrients as a magic cure-all. But pills can never replace the \"power\" of LIQUID phytonutrients. Eating a tomato is better than taking a pill that contains the nutrients of a tomato.
Phytonutrients fight cancer, boost immunity, protect the body and fight disease. Phytonutrients help cells repair themselves. Phytonutrients are going to emerge as some of the most important nutrients to boost and maintain optimal health. For even better detailed information visit http://bodybalance.bz
Tips: 1. Antioxidants fight toxins, free radicals and repair cell damage. 2. Certain mold and fungi are harmful toxins. 3. Reduce portions of \"ball park\" foods like: (greasy burgers, french fries, hot dogs, pizza,).
Referrals: lifeforce.net bodybalance.bz lycomato.com
Web Site = http://bodybalance.bz
Contact Details = Eddie Clark
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