New Pill Swallowing Cup Takes the Pain Out of Pill Taking for Kids with ADD
Released on = October 20, 2006, 6:45 pm
Press Release Author = Shannon Cherry/Cherry Communications
Industry = Healthcare
Press Release Summary = New Oralflo Pill Swallowing CupT Helps Provide Relief
Press Release Body = RARITAN, NJ (October 20, 2006) - The American Psychiatric Association estimates that 3-7% of children suffer from Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder (ADHD) and Attention Deficit Disorder (ADD). ADHD and ADD are two of the most common neurobehavioral disorders of childhood and frequently persist into adulthood. In 2003, the Centers for Disease Control estimated that roughly 2.5 million youth ages 4-17 were currently receiving medication for treatment of these disorders. But all to often, swallowing the pills needed to treat the symptoms becomes a battle between the parent and the child.
"Getting any child to take medicine can be a real chore. Add to the problem a child with ADD who finds it difficult to swallow pills and it can seem downright impossible," says Roger Heilos, founder of Oralflo Technologies.
Often times, says Heilos, parents end up crushing up a pill for the child to take it, which can reduce its effectiveness. Or - even worse - skipping the medication altogether.
\"The trick is to give the pill in a manner that allows the child to swallow it without noticing it going down,\" says Heilos, a former medical products engineer for Johnson & Johnson,. "That's why I decided to develop a solution that helps."
Heilos created the Oralflo Pill Swallowing CupT, which allows anyone to readily accept pills, even the youngest and most stubborn of patients. The cup is a breakthrough medical device, which alleviates the discomfort and anxiety associated with pill-taking and proves itself a vital accessory for doctor\'s offices, hospitals, schools, day care centers and concerned family members. The cup is a professional healthcare product that is patent pending, trademarked and registered with the FDA as a Class III medical device. It is available at for $11.95
Recent research suggests that an effective long-term approach to treating ADHD and ADD may lie in combining medical and behavioral therapies. While each case is unique to the child (or adult); stimulant medications may be prescribed and are considered very safe and effective. The most commonly prescribed medications are Ritalin, Adderrall, Concerta and Dexedrine, which are all commercially prepared as pills.
Because these stimulant medications are not commercially available in liquid form, most patients and families affected by ADHD and ADD were struggling to make sure that daily medications were taken. \"With the Oralflo Pill Swallowing Cup, we provide ADD patients with an alternative that is safe and easy to use," say Heilos.
About Oralflo Technologies ( In 2003, Roger Heilos established Oralflo Technologies, LLC as a result of his creation of the Oralflo Pill Swallowing Cup Medical ProductsT. Having seen members of his own family suffer the anguish of pill swallowing anxiety and realizing how frequently this problem occurs in children, adults, and the elderly, Heilos was inspired to bring out a product that has the potential to make the lives of so many pill-takers easier.
Oralflo Technologies is located in Raritan, New Jersey.
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Contact Details = About Cherry Communications ( Based in the Capital Region of New York, Cherry Communications is a strategic communications firm that works with businesses and nonprofits all over the country to develop results-oriented marketing and public relations programs. For more information, contact Shannon Cherry at 518-248-6592 or email:
Shannon Cherry Be Heard Solutions 184 Lancaster Street Albany NY 12210 515.248.6592
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