New York City Company Gives Away Free Land in Alaska.
Released on =
May 3, 2007, 7:54 am
Press Release Author =
Scott Moger
Industry =
Real Estate
Press Release Summary =
A New York City Company is giving away free land in Alaska on their website. Plots though are only one square in size, but you can get square-inch parcels in all other 50 states free as well.
Press Release Body =
In 1867, United States Secretary of State William H. Seward signed an agreement with Russia in which the United States purchased the territory of Alaska from them for the huge amount of $ 7.2 Million. It became known as "Seward's Folly," in light of the vast wasteland that was Alaska. Today, some 140 years later, you can actually do better, if you're in the market for real estate. You can get land in
American Acres, Inc., a New York City company, has found a very unique way to provide the American dream of land ownership free. Well, at least an affirmation of that dream. Let's say you want to own Alaska. Well how about starting with a single square inch plot? Yes, a ONE-SQUARE INCH PARCEL! The land is made available through their website at . In fact, you can get a one-square inch parcel in any of the 50 states, also free.
These "'mini-estates", which of course are available for each state, can't be built on, lived on or retired on; Owners cannot make any improvements or develop the parcels. Owners shall not occupy the parcels and must grant rights of ingress and egress over their parcel. But they are completely free of additional responsibility and obligations. And the fun of bragging about owning land in the United States is priceless, to say the least!" And oh, what a wonderful gift it makes!
Although use of the land may be limited, the responsibilities (as one would hope) are equally minimal. No paying taxes of any kind.ever! Owners need not mow their lawn, take out the trash, throw away junk mail, participate in local jury duty, or endure any other daily adversities associated with being a land owner.
So, it has been asked, "What is the purpose of owning a one square inch of land...anywhere?" "What can I do with such a tiny piece of earth?" Well, if you don't have a sense of humor...or an imagination, then these personalized, yes legal, Deeds to each state just aren't for you. They are the perfect gift for the person who has everything. It's the most wonderful unique gift idea for a person who dreams of living in, say California...or Hawaii, or yes, Alaska...or anywhere where they don't live now.
It's great for all gift giving occasions including Mother's Day, Father's Day, graduations, birthdays, Christmas, etc.. Just go to to learn more about the Deeds. In fact you might want to get a Deed to the United States - one Deed that entitles you to ownership of one square inch of land in all 50 states at once (there is a fee for this 50 State Deed). Check it out at their website.
For additional information contact Scott Moger via email at or via telephone at 212 598-0062
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Contact Details = For additional information contact Scott Moger via email at or via telephone at 212 598-0062

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