Funds Are Available For Any Purpose!
on: September 18, 2007, 2:07 pm
Release Author: V. Stanton
Release Summary: With the dollar dropping against most foreign currencies
and inflation on the rise, it’s no wonder entrepreneurs feel
under pressure to keep up with their finances. While we are not
technically in a recession, people are finding it more and more
difficult to make ends meet, especially business owners
Release Body: If you are like most entrepreneurs, you are probably
always in search of funding for your projects and business opportunities.
You have depleted your emergency stash, maxed out your credit cards
and can no longer borrow cash from any other sources.
the dollar dropping against most foreign currencies and inflation
on the rise, it’s no wonder entrepreneurs feel under pressure
to keep up with their finances. While we are not technically in
a recession, people are finding it more and more difficult to make
ends meet, especially business owners.
surprisingly, entrepreneurs are increasingly looking for alternative
means of supporting themselves, their businesses and their families.
Secondary incomes are rapidly becoming the standard while the creativity
to find a decent-paying second financial stream that doesn’t
take up too much time is increasing. Many people are looking to
the internet to subsidize their incomes are becoming disgusted from
the search.
entrepreneurs like Carlos Perez, President and CEO of Wall
Street Boyz, Inc. know not to look for funding through
traditional means and have embraced a new way of raising capital
by going online.When interviewed by Branch 1 Financial Services
for their monthly newsletter, Mr. Perez explained why he loves the
program and promotes it. “American entrepreneurs have
come to realize they need to find alternative funding sources in
order to achieve their financial goals and Fundraiser 1.0 is the
answer for many of these entrepreneurs.” Like many business
owners, Mr. Perez found himself hitting a wall while trying to fund
a project earlier this year and was at his wits end until he found
Fundraiser 1.0. He found it to be a spectacular
and easy way to raise capital. And Mr. Perez has found that like
him, many business owners have exhausted all the known possibilities
and robbing a bank is hardly a realistic or viable substitute. But
there is a plan that can come in handy on those rainy days when
cash is needed. You know, those days when it’s a real emergency.
Fundraising 1.0 Program was developed over the course of
two years and is one of the most researched products I’ve
seen in a long time”, says Mr. Perez. The creators of
the software have been aware of the growing financial crisis in
America and set out to help people pickup a little cash with the
help of the internet.
internet has changed the way people live and do business. In the
past finding sources for funding your business was mind-boggling
to say the least. You had to submit financial statements, balance
sheets, and so much paperwork it’s a wonder we still have
forests. Fundraiser 1.0 gives you the opportunity
to raise the necessary funds for your business without “killing
forests”. The program was created by a real company with Securities
and Exchange Commission (SEC) filings and a Corporate
Charter – so you know that this is legitimate. In
addition they are Internet Trade Bureau Approved.
to Mr. Perez, “the program was created to help entrepreneurs,
organizations and income seekers raise funds for both their non-profit
or for profit business without all the hassles you’d previously
encounter at financial institutions by raising funding or capital
online. With the upcoming recession preparing to hit, it’s
nice to know that entrepreneurs will have access to unlimited funds”.
Information regarding how Fundraiser 1.0 can help
you raise the necessary funds for your project can be found on our
website at www.wallstreetboyz.com
Site: http://www.wallstreetboyz.com
Details: 9107 Wilshire Blvd. Suite 450
Los Angeles CA 90210

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