5 Surefire
Ways to Make Money in Real Estate

on: December 20, 2007, 11:26 am
Release Author: New Homes
Real Estate
Release Summary: The media and some national economic experts often
state that now is not the time to buy real estate. However, with
a little research and the right strategy, you can ensure that today's
real estate purchase is profitable.

Release Body: 1. Buy and HOLD – Hold onto
your property and over the years it will lose value, gain value,
lose value and gain value again. The real estate market is cyclical
and traditionally sees a 5-6% average annual increase in value.
How’s that for an investment you are making small monthly
payments on?
Location, Location, Location – Real Estate
is local and then even more local. Areas within cities gain more
value than other areas within the same city. Research your way to
a great real estate investment and refer to surefire tactic #1 after
you do purchase a new home or real estate property.
Buy When You Are Ready – Being ready doesn’t
mean that you want or even need a new home. Buy a home when your
credit is good, there are low interest rates and the market is a
buyer’s market (like right now). Buy a home when you plan
on holding onto the property and try your best to put down a considerable
amount of money. Higher down payments coupled with a good credit
rating scream lower interest rates and payments.
Rent Your Property out and Break Even or Create a Little
Cash Flow - Refer to surefire tactic #2 (location) and
#3 (buy when you are ready) and rent your low monthly payment investment
to a good family with good credit history. Then you will need to
refer back to surefire tactic #1 and HOLD. Keep in mind that in
some markets today, it is very hard to purchase a new home and break
even, or to cash flow the property without a large down payment.
Buy a Foreclosure or Short Sale Home – A
good way to make a little extra cash and boost your equity is to
profit off someone else’s misfortune. It’s unfortunate
that people lose or cannot afford their homes but you will do yourself
a favor by buying a home the bank doesn’t want and the homeowner
unfortunately can’t afford. Follow surefire tactic #3 (be
ready), #2 (Location), #1 (HOLD) and #4 (if renting is your goal)and
be sure to get professional advice.
tactic tip #1 - Don’t Listen to The Media! –
The media isn’t always right and doesn’t always report
what you need to hear. I’m not saying the media lies, I’m
just stating that sometimes they paint broad strokes and don’t
always consider surefire tactic #2 (Location) and the rest of the
surefire tactics to make money in real estate. It’s difficult
to analyze data and report on every location throughout the United
States so listen to your local experts and let them tell you where
and when to buy a new home. You never know, your real estate agent
might actually have your best interest in mind!
tactic tip #2 – Get Off the Fence! - If you are ready
to buy a new home, can find a great deal, have researched location
and plan on holding – buy a home now. It defies all logic
to think that demand will increase or supply will decrease by waiting
to buy a new home. If no one buys a new home they won’t be
sold. Do us all a favor and buy a new home if it’s right for
tactic tip #3 – Don’t Add to Our Current Dilemma
– If you can’t afford a new home and don’t want
to ask or do a little research to ensure that you buy a new home
that works for you-you should rent. Rent a home or condo until you
are ready to buy; when you do buy – don’t get into a
loan program that will put you in a bad situation after the interest
rate increases as they told you it would.
Homes Section is an Arizona based real estate Internet
company that features New
Homes in Phoenix Arizona, Arizona
Home Builders, and Arizona
Real Estate Resources. For more information about New Homes
Section please visit http://www.newhomessection.com.
Site: http://www.newhomessection.com
Details: Jayson Gibson

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