eConn Resume Parser innovative way to reduct recruitement cost by 95% and increases profit. Gives a value for money product for SME's

Released on: March 26, 2008, 8:48 pm

Press Release Author: Connoisseur Infotech Pvt. Ltd.

Industry: Human Resources

Press Release Summary: eConn Resume parser, which can parse contact details from 80% of generic formats of USA/ Canada. Parser can extract the data and store in any type of database. It takes inputs in form of doc, docx, html, rtf, and text format give you well formated extract.

Press Release Body: March, 2008: Connoisseur Infotech Pvt. Ltd. (eConn), India is pleased to announce the launch of eConn resume parser. This is first of its kind meant for Small and Medium Enterprises (SME) which help them to remain competitive by reducing the cost and increasing the productivity and hence higher profits.

eConn realizes that recruitment cost is very high in any organization. On an average this is in tune of $150- $350 per head count increased in organization. If we monitor this closely lot of effort is spent on collecting resumes, sorting out relevant resumes and ensuring right candidate is called for interview. With a need of new 25 good consultant recruitments in any organization average is to review more than 5000 resumes, on basis of skill set, location, and age group, and taking interview (personal / telephonic) of more than 150 people with average time spent is 45-90 minutes per head. Many a times candidate is called but his /her profile doesn’t match with requirement. And that is more frustrating.

More over managing the previously available resume database is another challenge where lots of files in different formats are stored in database.

eConn taken challenge to come up with innovative idea which is value for money and suits to need of SME segment where profit margin are tight and challenge of reducing the recruitment cycle is another priority.

With eConn Resume Parser, it saves more than 95% savings in manpower cost of resume analysis. And with easy and organized availability of resume database reduces the recruitment time by 67%.

System has capability to analyze and parse 20,000 or 200, 0000 or many more generic resumes in less than 1 day time and analyzes them with accuracy more than 80%, and store all vital information Name, Address, City, Zip, EmailID, Phone, and text format of resume into database. Where you can run any query easily and search on various parameters like Location, Distance from Your location (zip code), Technological skills, approximate experience, and not only this report provides you handy with contact information and text resume. You can begin this very next minute when requirement is generated, no waiting for advertisement publishing / resume collection / resume analysis etc. Every thing is don that too at very affordable pricing.

With average of parsing 5000 resumes in a year organization can save more than 95% costings. This leads to more competitive and ensuring profitability.

The eConn resume parser comes with one year free upgrades with every buy and future add-ons /etc. eConn has over all 4 yrs of experience majorly into parsing websites, databases, and ecommerce solutions. Mr. Vinay appraised that during special promotion period to kill recession threat for whole world, eConn provides two years free upgrades if purchase is done before June 30, 2008.

Mr. Vinay, Product Director, eConn Resume Parser, told that, eConn spent more than 17 months with over all investment of 62 man months to build this application. He still smiles when lots of failure and frustration moments were there while developing this application. But successful launch after running 4 months of beta version is a great sense of satisfaction. He wished thanks to whole team Mr. Raminder, Mr.Vinod, Mr. Biplov and Mr. Kapil who really shown patience during hot brainstorming discussions for logics.

eConn is fully committed to provide with more innovative products targeting to SME segment so that they can reduce the input cost in current economic pressures and manage to stay profitable.

Mr. Raminder disclosed that, with new upgrades coming very shortly we will be adding some more attractive features where applications takes more responsibility hence more profits.

Ms. Reena, Media Director of eConn conveyed while releasing the product that company received 500 downloads and this is being tested for over 10,000 generic format of resumes.

Over all eConn has shown a great courage to offer such high value product at such affordable cost of $299 which comes with 2 yrs free upgrades if purchase is done before June 30, 2008 and normally it is shipped with 1 yr upgrade. And need not to say free technical support regarding this product in coming days.

Any one can buy it 24x7 from by paying via Paypal or Credit Card. This is shipped electronically instantly. Or you can call Mr. Vinay at +91-9417554935 for details.

Web Site:

Contact Details: Connoisseur Infotech Pvt. Ltd.
SCF 28, 2nd Floor
Phase 9
Mohali, 160059, India
Phone: +91-172-5098166
US Voice mail: +1 (928) 569 4524


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