Lost in translation – the unusual tale of a taxi and a Displaysense
display cabinet
on: April 10, 2008, 1:50 am
Release Author: Displaysense
Release Summary: For a 19 year old girl from South London ordering
a taxi to take her to Bristol International airport proved too
much as she accidentally ordered a display cabinet from Displaysense
Release Body: For a 19 year old girl trying to order a taxi to
Bristol International airport, it all proved too much, as she
accidentally ordered a display cabinet from Displaysense
19 year old girl from South London rang directory inquires looking
for a taxi to take her to Bristol International airport the following
morning. However, the young girl was using rhyming slang and what
she actually said was that she wanted a ‘Joe Baxi’.
The confused operator said that she was unable to find anyone
by that name, at which point the young girl replied, “It
ain’t a person, it’s a cab, init”. Upon
hearing this, the operator located the nearest supplier of cabinets,
and put the girl through to the company.
deal with thousands of customers on a daily basis and offer a
variety of products including their all new display cabinet and
case ranges. The sales staff are quite used to dealing with
a range of customers and accents, but this young woman proved
to be something quite different. Speaking to a member of the
Displaysense sales team, the short tempered girl demanded
the cheapest Joe Baxi to take her to the airport
the following morning, at which point the sales advisor questioned
her order.
now frustrated girl replied by saying, “Look love, how
hard is it? All I want is your cheapest cab init. I need it for
10am. How much is it?” At this point the sales advisor
told the girl that it would be £180. The amount didn’t
phase her and she abruptly leapt in with her address details and
declared, “I wanna pay by card, 'cause I got no cash”.
Before the Displaysense sales staff could say
anymore, the young girl was gone, leaving the member of staff
to process the order of a display cabinet for £180.
Whittle the Marketing manager of Displaysense commented,
“The very next morning we received an irate call from this
same girl asking why she had a big glass display
cabinet outside her house, when all she wanted was a taxi”.
apologised and gladly offered the young lady a refund on the display
unit she received and suggested that maybe she should speak
a bit clearer on the phone. Steve remarked, “We still
don’t know if she made it to the airport on time but she
did ask our delivery driver if he could give her a lift.”
About Displaysense
Displaysense was established in September of
1978 as a manufacturer of quality point of sale displays. They
have a wealth of experience in design and manufacturing and have
been able to develop their ever growing standard range of over
1500 displays. The range is now hugely diverse including acrylic
containers, display
cabinets mannequins, modular shelving units, exhibition displays
and business card holders.
works with a large range of clients including, retailers
(multiple and independent), blue chip corporate clients, cafés,
bars, restaurants and night clubs, shop and office fitters, marketing
and promotions companies, designers and architects, product distributors,
exhibition contractors and exhibitors, printers, councils and
NHS trusts, charities, schools and universities.
is a one-stop-shop for retail display products and all shop display,
catering display and exhibition display requirements.
Site: http://www.displaysense.co.uk/
Details: Displaysense PR contact:
Steve Whittle
Marketing Manager
Unit 5
Raynham Close
Bishop's Stortford
CM23 5PJ
0845 2008139