Dying Well - A Web First
Released on: May 20, 2008, 2:28 am
Press Release Author: Joe Perez, CEO Zealous Marketing
Industry: Healthcare
Press Release Summary: Award Winning Vanity Fair Contributing Editor Judy Bachrach Launches \"TheCheckoutLine.org - An Advice Column on Dying Well\"
Press Release Body: Washington D.C. (ZealousPR)-Award-winning Vanity Fair writer and hospice volunteer, Judy Bachrach, announced the May 21st launch of her tri-weekly \"advice column on dying well,\" http://www.TheCheckoutLine.org - the first online advice column for the dying and those who care about them, today. Every Monday, Wednesday and Friday, beginning May 21, 2008, she will be answering readers\' questions and offering advice for anyone needing help on the most critical part of life - a last act that, because of medical advances and early diagnoses, many of us are consciously living out for months and even years.
In late May of 2008, Judy Bachrach received the Obit Writer Award for her tribute to Ruth Graham (the remarkable wife of the evangelist Billy Graham), which appeared on Obit-Mag.com. But it is her years of work as a hospice volunteer that compelled her to start an advice column on dying for people facing critical issues dealing with death and dying, often with little support. \"The most common and hardest part of life - facing and dealing with death and dying- happens to be the very area where almost no help is offered. Hospitals ignore the problem, friends and relatives often don\'t know what to do, and doctors seem embarrassed by their inability to keep everyone alive forever,\" Ms Bachrach stated.
Ms Bachrach, because of her extensive journalistic and hospice background, has the ability to be the advocate of anyone who writes in: to call around and find intelligent and thoughtful answers on virtually any topic dealing with dying and death - emotional, legal, and practical. Once a week she\'ll also be blogging on such carefully researched issues as What to Tell Your Friends and Family While You\'re Still Healthy, How to Tell Friends You\'re Critically Ill and How to Plan an Inexpensive Funeral. The only questions she will not be answering are those requesting medical advice. Otherwise, anything is fair game. When asked why she named the website The Checkout Line, Ms Bachrach explained, \"Because every one of us is standing on that line. Only no one is pushing and shoving to get to the front.\"
About http://www.TheCheckoutLine.org TheCheckoutline.org is a tri-weekly advice column on dying well and blog that was recently founded by Judy Bachrach and developed by Joe Perez and PAB67Media. Ms Bachrach is a longtime hospice volunteer and contributing editor to Vanity Fair magazine, who previously worked for both the Washington Post and the Washington Star. Thecheckoutline.org is not simply an advice column for the terminally ill. Spouses, neighbors, friends, lovers and co-workers are welcome to write in with questions, comments, and their own blogs or resources for the benefit of everyone. So ask away. Thecheckoutline.org will answer.
Web Site: http://www.thecheckoutline.org
Contact Details: Contact Judy Bachrach 202-686-6896 JudyBachrach@gmail.com
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