United Nations Stu

Released: Chronic ailments more deadly
than infectious diseases

Released on: May 27, 2008, 11:12 pm

Press Release Author: Michelle Watson

Industry: Healthcare

Press Release Summary: The heart disease (Coronary Artery Disease) and stroke
(Cerebrovascular Accident) has become the leading causes of death worldwide whish is
based on United Nations' World Health Organization.

Press Release Body: (CNN Report) - According on the study of U.N that they released
this week, Chronic conditions such as heart disease and stroke has surpassed
infections diseases as the leading causes of deaths worldwide. Anyway, heart disease
is also called coronary artery disease which blood becomes sticky that block the
flow of the blood to the heart. While, stroke is known as cerebrovascular accident
(CVA) which is an acute neurological injury that cause to interrupted the supply of
blood to the brain.

According to some health official, the reason is partly because of the poorer diets
in some developing countries such as China. The fact that those who had infectious
diseases are living much longer due to their advanced treatment they undergoes.

The United Nations' World Health Organization (WHO) predicted that the
cardiovascular disease could overtake the infectious diseases as the number one
cause of deaths but they also said in will not until 2010.

"Countries like China that once had a low-meat diet and thrived on wheat; rice and
corn have increasingly become urbanized and developed". This is according to the
words of Dr. Thomas Aversano who's an associate professor of cardiology at John
Hopkins School of Medicine.

Although the fact that people in China are eating fattier foods as result of a
recent boom in Western fast-foods outlets but according to Dr. Aversano, it doesn't
means that the overall standard of living will become worsened.
Dr. Aversano said on CNN news, "If you will look at a specific population at risk
for coronary disease, like in China which the morality rate has not increased".
"However, we may be looking at an increase in coronary disease and this is because
other diseases have decreased."

As the matter of fact, "the mortality rates on worldwide have decreased in the past
30 years as more people are living longer and the global population is growing", as
still said by Dr. Aversano.

On the report of World Health Organization, released Monday, collected data based on
73 health indicators, including mortality levels and risk factors such as smoking
and alcohol consumption.
It showed that other developing countries -- where diseases such as HIV/AIDS,
tuberculosis and malaria are still prevalent -- are also seeing a rise in deaths
attributed to chronic conditions, such as heart disease and stroke.

Dr. Aversano said the drop in mortality rates for such like infectious diseases has
opened the door for heart disease and stroke. But he also cautioned that increases
in life expectancy, higher standards of living and poorer diets -- which have
changed in the past several decades -- must also be taken into consideration.

Nearly 17 million people die every year from cardiovascular disease, according to
WHO data. Another 20 million people survive heart attacks and strokes each year, and
many must undergo costly clinical care, the WHO said.

Although chronic conditions have become the leading cause of death worldwide, Dr.
Aversano stressed that coronary diseases are still highly treatable as medical
therapies continue to advance.

But he also noted that promoting healthy diets, teaching teenagers about the risks
of smoking, and warning adults about hypertension and diabetes can also lower the
risk of coronary disease.
Dr. Aversano said on his statement to prevent this problem is as simple as this;
\"The most important preventative strategy is education."

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