
Released on: June 10, 2008, 9:21 am

Press Release Author: Dr. Emmett Hughes, D.C.

Industry: Healthcare

Press Release Summary: Traditional treatment of headaches usually consists of
medications and bed rest. While these might help to temporarily relieve some of the
person's symptoms, they do little to nothing to treat the underlying cause.

Press Release Body: Dr. Emmett J. Hughes, chiropractor, clinical nutritionist and
homeopath is the clinical director of Huntington Health and Healing Center in
Huntington village, the center of holistic medicine in Long Island, New York.
Recently, he has been treating many patients for headaches, the source of which have
been problems with their cervical spine (neck) muscles.
While it is not unusual to have headaches due to trigger points in the neck, the
incidence of patients misdiagnosed and mistreated for this disorder seems to be very
Traditional treatment of headaches usually consists of medications and bed rest.
While these might help to temporarily relieve some of the person's symptoms, they do
little to nothing to treat the underlying cause.
Dysfunction of the neck is very common. Due to the lifestyle that we lead, there is
an abnormal amount of stress put on the neck on any given day. Driving, desk work,
computer work, and sitting for extended time puts a greater stress on the neck than
normal. We are not designed for sitting and attending to a task for eight or ten
hours a day, five days a week, for many years. This causes postural imbalances that
lead to chronic tightness of one group of muscles, and a reactive weakening of the
opposing muscles.
Typically, the chronically tight muscles of the neck are the upper trapezius,
levator scapulae, suboccipitals, scalenes, and SCM. These muscles can cause pain
that radiates into the head, as well as numbness and tingling into the arm and hand,
pain into the same area and into the shoulders and chest. The scalenes and
pectoralis minor can cause a condition called thoracic outlet syndrome. It can
results in numbness and tingling, coldness, decreased blood flow, and a deep achy
pain into the arm. These symptoms are often misdiagnosed as carpal tunnel syndrome,
migraine headaches, rotator cuff syndrome, and "pinched nerves". Without the proper
treatment, these symptoms can linger for years. Even after surgery, these patients
often have the same symptoms. This can lead to dependency on medications and a high
level of frustration for patients suffering with these conditions.
Dr. Hughes uses a conservative approach to treating these conditions. A combination
of chiropractic care, massage therapy, active release technique, Grastonź technique,
physiotherapy (ultrasound and electric stimulation) and special stretching
techniques called post-isometric relaxation and post-facilitated stretching.
Additionally, massage therapy and acupuncture can be used as an adjunct to the
techniques offered by Dr. Hughes. There are practitioners that do both massage
therapy and acupuncture practicing in the office along side Dr. Hughes at Huntington
Health & Healing Center. After getting the person out of pain, a series of
rehabilitation exercises are employed to help correct the imbalances that led to the
problem initially.
Using these techniques, Dr. Hughes has had tremendous results. It is a drug-free,
holistic approach that suits most people and can offer fantastic results when
properly applied.
Dr. Hughes is currently accepting new patients at his office. The services at
Huntington Health & Healing Center include chiropractic, clinical nutrition, massage
therapy, acupuncture, homeopathy, life coaching, and psychotherapy. You can reach
their friendly staff at www.huntingtonhealthandhealing.com.

Web Site: http://www.huntingtonhealthandhealing.com

Contact Details: Dr. Emmett Hughes, D.C.
200 West Carver Street
Suite 5
Huntington, New York 11743

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