Drugs stops an athlete`s heart for 11 minutes
Released on: July 26, 2008, 10:31 pm
Press Release Author: Brian Irons
Industry: Advertising
Press Release Summary: Crimes are destroying the United States
Drugs Stops an Athlete\'s Heart for 11 Minutes
Contact: Brian Irons Phone: 314-898-5825 Order book: www.buybooksontheweb.com Book price: $19.95 Why is St. Louis so high rated for crimes: www.ididnotknow.20fr.com Author email: heartstop11min@yahoo.com
St. Louis, Missouri-August 2008-the author, Brian Irons is seeking and very willing to share his experienced to the world concerning his drug usage. To many of us, so many experiences we face in life, involving substance abuse usage seems to be a mystery. In my book, I Did Not Know, it exposes all the schemes, and the plots that drugs hide from its associates. We wonder why our lives are experiencing tragedies and close death calls, yet, it is all because of chemical dependency.
Many athletes\' in our world has fallen on the seat of drugs. Even me, did drugs in life, and I was led into the hands of failure and disaster. I wanted to be a pro athlete, but drugs caused me not to fulfill that desire. After getting high one day, my heart stopped beating for 11 minutes, and I went into a coma for ten days. In my book, you will read that I was one of the greatest athlete\'s in the world until drugs proved unto me, that it was my worst enemy. My brain suffered an injury; therefore, my athletic dreams and hopes were washed away.
Finally realizing that I needed help living my own life, I went to the House of God (church). I went to the church, hoping to God, he would heal my life, and get it back going again. My book will prove a Godly point concerning the house of God, and his mercies. From heavens intervention, I\'ve been made to be a minister, and ambassador for the Lord God.
Although, yours and mine holy engine stopped functioning at one point, however, my book will remind you that God will jump-start your life again. God has the keys through forgiveness, to renew your broken engine (heart). Aurthor: Brian Irons Online keyword: heartstop11min
Web Site: http://www,drugbooks.zoomshare.com
Contact Details: 314-898-5825 heartstop11min@yahoo.com
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