Harley Medical Group reports politicians are first in line for
nip and tuck boom
on: July 29, 2008, 9:05 am
Release Author: Harley
Medical Group
Release Summary: The Harley Medical Group reports high flying
men including politicians and business leaders are increasingly
investing in cosmetic surgery and Botox as a means of safeguarding
their careers

Release Body: The Harley Medical Group has reported
that high flying men including politicians and business leaders
are increasingly investing in cosmetic surgery and Botox as a
means of safeguarding their careers particularly in light of the
looming recession.
latest figures released by The
Harley Medical Group, the UK’s largest cosmetic
surgery provider, indicate a rise in the number of male high flyers
going under the knife over the last six months. The figures also
show that politicians and males in the hard-hit media industry
are leading the way.
33% year-on-year is “Man Bag Removal",
which involves surgically taking away the loose, bagging skin
below the eye. This procedure which is technically called blepharoplasty
has now been re-dubbed “Politician’s Eye Paunch
Removal” by some surgeons in reference to the number
of politicians booking in over the summer recess. Male facelifts
are up 17% with the Botox Boys continuing to
have top-ups, while the numbers having the near areas on their
furrowed brows smoothed out with Botox jabs has
seen an overall 43% increase year-on-year.
Fratti, cosmetic surgeon at The Harley Medical Group,
commented, “High stress careers take their toll on the
face and can speed the ageing process - looking at how much Tony
Blair aged during his time in power is a prime example. Coupled
with this, politicians are under pressure to present a clean cut/fresh
faced image. Botox
and fillers and/or facial surgery are obvious solutions - with
August seen by some MPs as the month to undergo cosmetic
surgery treatment and retreat to the country for post operative
recovery, before facing the world afresh in September. In my opinion
Gordon Brown, for example, would benefit from blepharoplasty to
both upper and lower lids, neck lift and liposuction
to the chin for a full rejuvenation effect.”
Dale, Director at The Harley Medical Group, added:
“Lines and wrinkles used to be considered a good thing in
world leaders, as a sign of their life experience and gained wisdom.
However with new labour, we saw a more youthful political image
being put forward - with the Cool Britannia campaign.”
Fratti concluded, “Many male patients in their 40s and
50s cite their career as the reason for their surgery, especially
with the credit crunch putting increased pressure on business
leaders, particularly in the media industry. The business world
is such a youth driven environment, particularly in the City where
the average age of a trader is late 20s. Competition is tough
and as you get older you’re expected to retire. Our patients
feel looking younger gives them an edge in their career, especially
during a time when job cuts are now becoming rife.”
to surgeons at The Harley Medical Group, men
have a very different approach to their surgery than women. Unlike
women who will discuss their operation with their friends and
family, men generally don’t, instead they use the internet
to do the research about their plastic
surgery procedure. Often the first time they’ll discuss
it with anyone will be the nurse counsellor they’ll see
before their consultation with the surgeon.
Site: http://www.harleymedical.co.uk/
Details: Harley Medical Group PR contact:
Melissa Brown
Rain Communications UK
2 Greycoat Place
020 7222 4345