Kingdom Economic Summit Set For September 4-6, Austin, Texas


Released on: July 16, 2008, 4:12 pm

Press Release Author: Bruce Cook

Industry: Financial

Press Release Summary: "A historic International gathering of Christian leaders representing both the church and marketplace is scheduled Sept. 4-6 in Austin, TX," according to Dr. Bruce Cook, organizer and convener of the event, titled “Financial K.E.Y.S. to Global Transformation: Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit.”

Press Release Body: Patterned somewhat after the World Economic Forum, but with a Christian focus and perspective, the KEYS Summit will feature a number of keynote speakers. “Our speakers will be addressing broad themes such as Secrets of the Kingdom Economy, Stewardship vs. Ownership, Leverage, Covenantal versus Transactional Relationships, Generational Wealth, Spiritual Due Diligence, Transformation, etc.,” said Cook. “What’s needed is nothing less than a marketplace reformation.”

Featured Speakers for the 2008 Kingdom Economic Summit includes:

Dr. Myles Munroe, best-selling author, speaker and President of Bahamas Faith Ministries Intl., Nassau, Bahamas

Os Hillman, author of 10 books and President of Marketplace Leaders Ministries and the US arm of the International Christian Chamber of Commerce, Cumming, GA

Rick Joyner, best-selling author of The Final Quest and numerous other books and President of MorningStar Ministries, Fort Mill, SC

Dr. Pat Francis, CEO, Kingdom Covenant Centre, Pat Francis Ministries, and Elomax Inc., Mississaugua, Ontario, Canada

Dr. Lance Wallnau, executive coach, corporate and government consultant and trainer, and president of 7M University, Roanoke, TX

Dr. Alistair Petrie, author, consultant and speaker, and Executive Director, Partnership Ministries, Kelowna, British Columbia, Canada

Bob Fraser, Director of the Joseph Company, author of Marketplace Christianity and a former technology CEO, Kansas City, MO

Dan Stratton, a former Wall Street commodities trader and President of Faith Exchange and President of ProVision Network, New York, NY

Rich Marshall, consultant and speaker, President, ROI Leadership Intl. and author of God ( @ ) Work, Vols dot I & II, San Jose, CA

Rick Heeren, former businessman, regional vice president of Harvest Evangelism Inc., and author of four books including Marketplace Miracles and Thank God It’s Monday;

David van Koevering, physicist, author of Elsewhen and serial inventor with over 600 patents, Cleveland, TN

Michael Pink, a Fortune 500 sales consultant, author of Selling Among Wolves, and President of the Christian Business Daily, Sarasota, FL.

In addition, over 20 marketplace panels and breakout sessions are planned, including Energy, Healthcare, Real Estate Investing, Insurance, Angel Investing, Venture Capital & Private Equity, Hedge Funds, Wealth Managers, Charitable Foundations, Financial Intercession, Currency Trading, Fund of Funds Investing, Entrepreneurs, Marketplace Ministry, Women CEOs, Re-purposing Business, Values Based Fund Managers, International Business & Investing, Due Diligence, Investing in Israel, Wealth Secrets of the Rain Forest, International Business, Mental Wealth ™, Kingdom Organizational Culture, Philanthropic Advisors, etc., with 60-100 panelists expected.

Venue for the event will be PromiseLand Church, located near I-35 and 51st Street at 1504 E. 51st St. Schedule is 8:30 a.m. to 10:00 p.m. daily during the event. Early registration price is $395 per individual or $595 with spouse, associate or colleague. Student registration is $295 per person. Group rates are available.

Early Online Registration is now open. For more information on the KEYS Summit, visit their web site at:

Press Release Distributed by Best Online Results, an Internet Marketing Firm.

Web Site:

Contact Details: Bruce Cook

Kingdom Economic Yearly Summit
14912 Big Falls Drive
Voice: 512-453-1035



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