Teaching System Brings Joy to Teachers in Public Schools


Released on: July 17, 2008, 8:50 am

Press Release Author: Eva Bogard, Ph.D.

Industry: Education

Press Release Summary: It's music to everyone's ears: No more tests or homework for students. No more lesson planning or taking work home for teachers. 100% of students participate in rigorous activities supporting the state learning standards. Teachers, students, administrators, and parents are pleased with The Joyful Teacher System of creating peaceful classrooms of students learning independently, thereby allowing teachers to individualize one-on-one instruction.

Press Release Body: SARASOTA, FL- July 17- Dr. Eva Bogard has created a revolutionary new teaching system in the Sarasota County Public School District. Known as the Joyful Teacher System, educators create utopia in their classrooms through a specially designed teaching framework and classroom décor.

Dr. Eva Bogard provides teachers of all content areas and schools a unique means of creating and maintaining peace in their classrooms, while promoting independent student learning; making it possible for teachers to focus on one-on-one differentiated instruction for all children. The stress-free teaching system results in an improved learning environment able to accommodate all levels of students from learning challenged to gifted.

The Joyful Teacher System could change the state of education in public schools. This framework creates a more effective teaching environment than traditional lecture or teacher-driven classroom designs. Students choose their daily work from a menu of options, while the instructor uses clothespins labeled with student names to meet with each child in the given order. The most unusual feature of this system is that it includes a specific décor for the classroom. A series of nine posters placed in specific locations anchors the desired focus of the classroom, and the use of floor and table lamps avoids the harsh effects of overhead florescent light panels common in most public schools. Photo CDs are the final touch in creating the ideal learning space. The beautiful photography of local artist Jennifer Breuer inspires students and teachers with images and motivational statements projected on the classroom presentation screen throughout each class period.

Dr. Bogard stated, “I've been using this system for over 3 years and everyday in my classroom is a joy. I'm ready and excited to share how I do it with teachers and college students getting ready to join the teaching force. This system benefits everyone." Teachers can get a head start on the quickly approaching new school year and begin applying the system with the step-by-step guidebook, a comprehensive manual, CDs and specially designed posters available online for immediate download at www.thejoyfulteacher.com.

Dr. Eva Bogard earned her doctoral degree from the College of Education at the University of South Florida in Tampa. She has been teaching for 18 years and is a member of several professional organizations. Dr. Eva Bogard offers free training classes every summer to introduce teachers to the Joyful Teacher System and all materials are available for purchase online: www.thejoyfulteacher.com

Web Site: http://www.thejoyfulteacher.com

Contact Details: Eva Bogard, Ph.D.
6471 Golden Leaf Ct.
Lakewood Ranch, FL 34202
Phone: 941.758.4002
Cell: 941.374.2198


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