Auto and home owners insurance quotes at your fingertips
on: September 11, 2008, 5:08 am
Release Author: Roberta Groche
Release Summary: Finding Cheap auto insurance should not be difficult.
But talk to anyone and they will usually tell you what a pain
shopping for insurance is.
Release Body: Finding Cheap
auto insurance should not be difficult. But talk to anyone
and they will usually tell you what a pain shopping for insurance
is. It’s such a pain that most people will stick with whatever
company they’re with, even if they know they’re not
getting the best rates, just because finding a new carrier, and
getting quotes, is so time consuming and inconvenient.
is determined to change that. We think shopping for insurance
should be fast, easy and convenient. We think you should be able
to enter your information once, and get multiple quotes from multiple
carriers. We think insurance companies should be coming to you
and competing for your business and that you should be able to
view and compare rates from different companies with no obligation
and no credit check.
not just about auto insurance either. We think you should have
the same options when it comes to Home
owners insurance as well. We don’t think you should
have to fill out multiple pages of forms, each and every time
you want a quote from a new company. Instead, we think you should
have one simple, single page form to fill out, quickly and efficiently,
right online, to get quotes and offers from a variety of reputable
so committed to these beliefs that we designed our site with the
consumer in mind, making it fast and easy for you to get the quotes
you want, from multiple prescreened insurance professionals. You
enter your information, and we keep it safe and secure, sharing
it only with our list of reputable agents who are able to meet
your needs and offer you the best deals out there. Shopping for
insurance has never been easier, instead of taking all your time
making dozens of calls and filling out countless forms, you’ll
have companies making you offers, and competing for your business.
can help you meet all of your insurance needs by getting your
quotes from insurance brokers for auto insurance, home owners
insurance, life insurance, and even help you shop around for competitive
rates for individual and family health insurance plans and pet
insurance. You provide the information and we match you with prescreened
professionals. Cheap Insurance doesn’t mean
poor service or lack of options. It means you get the best deals
possible, and we do the hard work for you. To find out more about
our services, visit us on the web at
or email
Details: Email:
Web Site:
1 Liberty Pl.
Medford, New Jersey 08055
United States