City Sackers Online Grocery Company Helps to Ease the Lives of
Austin's Citizens
on: September 9, 2008, 4:58 am
Release Author: Kris Green
& Beverage
Release Summary: City Sackers Online Grocery Store looks to provide
fast, reliable and inexpensive grocery delivery to Austinites.
Release Body: Austin, TX September 4, 2008 – Now all citizens
of the greater Austin area are able to shop for thousands of groceries,
without leaving their home. City Sackers Inc.,
an Austin based online grocery store, looks to revolutionize the
way Austinites live and go about their daily errands.
City Sackers has compiled thousands of items
into their website’s database to better serve the needs
of their customers. Almost any and all varieties of general items
found in a grocery store can also be found at their website. In
addition to these grocery items, City Sackers
has also included numerous organic, household, fitness, and pet
products into their inventory.
To many Austinites, the rigors of school or work encompass the
majority of their daytime. After the day’s responsibilities
have been fulfilled, the last thing anyone wants to do is fight
through the crowded lines and aisles of a grocery store. Instead,
potential customers can now simply log onto
and select the groceries they want delivered to their door. Schedule
a time that is most convenient for the groceries to be delivered
and City Sackers will bring them right to your
doorstep. Its that simple.
The underlying benefit of City Sackers is the
convenience they bring to their customers. Those without cars
would have to comply with rising cab fares in order to get to
and from their local grocery store. And most mass transit available
in Austin is not conducive to people bringing fresh groceries.
With both of those options, people must comply with the schedule
of the transporter in order to accomplish their grocery shopping.
With City Sackers, they will adjust to your convenience
and your schedule.
Competitive product prices and low delivery cost make
City Sackers online grocery delivery a true asset to
those living in Austin.