Who is profiting from the credit crisis?
on: October 3, 2008, 2:03 pm
Release Author: Revolution
Credit Solutions Inc.
Release Summary: We have all seen the credit monitoring commercials
with the funny jingles, but do you know who is behind them?
Release Body: Its 1:30 A.M. and your watching your favorite late
night program. All of a sudden there are singing pirates telling
you that if you are not careful, you will be serving fish to tourists.
Sound familiar? So, who is selling you this information that could
protect you from being a fish waiter, working for less than minimum
wage? Thats right, the same 3 companies that provides it to potetial
creditors and employers. Trans Union, Equifax and Experian. So
what are they saying with these commercials? Our interpetation
is that you better watch out because if you don't, we will say
anything about you we want, no matter if its true or not! And
by the way, if you want us to watch your back and protect you
from hearsay, it's going to cost you $29.95 per month.
seems as if everywhere you turn they are trying to sell you a
credit bureau. And why should you even bother checking your credit
Trans Union , Equifax, and Experian are supposed to be good companies
that follow the rules and only report true and accurate information.
Why should you worry? And why are these companies telling you
to worry? Because in fact, the information on 79% of Credit Bureaus
is innacurate acording to PIRG ( Public Interest Research Group)
Seriously innacurate enough to cost you a Job or not to be approved
for a loan. So what do you do? First of all, don't pay them a
dime. You are entitled by law to a free credit report!
is the Credit Bureaus responsability to maintain complete and
accurate information in their files. (Section 607b of the FCRA)
So why dont they do this? Because they are for profit corporations
who depend on the negative information for profits. In todays
age of technology they could perform regular audits very easily
but they dont, Instead they make the consumere do their job for
them by requiring them to perform tedious tasks when errors are
discovered. This is the reason Credit
Repair has become so neccesary for many americans trying to
live the American dream. In fact if it wasnt for the good Credit
Repair companies out there many consumers would remain victims
of this nations broken credit reporting system.
next time you see one of those funny commercials dont laugh and
sing along, feel insulted and hurt because what they are doing
is laughing and making fun of the American consumer, and clearly
pointing out how faulted our credit reporting system is.
Site: http://www.revolutioncreditsolutions.com
Details: Revolution Credit Solutions Inc.
500 N Michigan Ave Suite 300
Chicago IL 60611