LV= reports dog owners swap bones for broccoli
on: November 4, 2008, 7:03 am
Press Release Author: Emma Holyer
Release Summary: New LV= report shows health concerns are leading
to a surge in pet owners changing their pets' diets and swapping
meat for vegetables and fruit
Release Body: The latest report from insurance provider
LV= has shown that health concerns have led to a surge
in pet owners changing their pets' diets and swapping meat for
vegetables and fruit.
of pet owners now feed their pets up to three portions of fruit
and veg a day and according to the new research by pet
insurer LV= there are now more than 145,000
cats and dogs in the UK on a vegetarian diet.
turning their animals vegetarian, these pet owners are following
celebrity dog-owners such as Alicia Silverstone* and Paul McCartney**
who feed their dogs a vegan and vegetarian diet respectively.
of the main reasons for the trend in vegetable heavy diets is
the perceived health benefit, with 42% of pet owners who have
increased the number of vegetables in their pets' diet saying
they have done so to improve the health of their animal.
of pet owners said they simply follow Government nutritional advice
for humans, such as eating five portions of vegetable and fruit
a day, and apply it to their pet.
to the report from LV=,
other reasons given include the cheaper cost of a vegetarian diet
(12%), because organic pet food is a waste of money (29%) and
because it's more ethical (4%). Just one in four (24%) of the
UK's cats and dogs now exist on a meat-only diet.
most popular vegetables to give to pets are carrots (19%), potatoes
(12%) and peas (11%).
well as pets eating more vegetables, the LV=
research shows that 13% of UK pets are given vitamin or vegetable
supplements daily.
owners say they have noticed a range of improvements from their
veggie-eating pets, from fewer health problems (27%), glossier
coats (21%), and a better digestion (28%), to loss of weight (13%).
Holyer, Spokesperson for LV=, said: "As this
research shows there are thousands of cats and dogs consuming
vegetables in their diets without any problems. In fact, these
diets are well known for relieving arthritis, skin and fur problems
and obesity in dogs.
pet owners thinking of putting their pet on a vegetable only diet
should check with their vet. Cats cannot survive on a vegetarian
diet and will need specialist supplements, and although dogs can
survive, a sudden change in diet is likely to cause problems.
Animals are just like humans in that they need a mixture of minerals
and vitamins to keep them healthy, and cutting out whole food
groups, like protein, can seriously damage their health."
LV= is a trademark of Liverpool Victoria Friendly Society Limited
(LVFS) and LV= is a trading style of the Liverpool Victoria group
of companies.
employs over 2,700 people, serves more than 2.5 million customers
and members, and manages more than £7.7 billion on their
behalf. LV= is the UK's largest friendly society offering a wide
range of financial products including home, car
insurance, pet
insurance and travel
insurance direct to consumers.
* Source:
** Source:
- ends -
Notes to Editors:
The research was carried out on behalf of LV= by YouGov. A nationally
representative sample of 2,050 pet owners were questioned online
between 9th and 11th September 2008. Results are weighted to be
representative of the UK adult population. YouGov is a member
of the British Polling Council.
Details: LV= PR contact:
Emma Holyer
Press Office
69 Park Lane
0208 256 6714