Lloydspharmacy launch new product to help fight diabetes in dogs
on: November 18, 2008, 10:07 am
Release Author: Lloydspharmacy
Release Summary: Lloydspharmacy has introduced a new range of
products, including the Dog Pedometer, in time for Christmas
Release Body: Lloydspharmacy has released a new
range of pet products with particular focus on the Dog
Pedometer - a gadget that aims to ensure dogs get enough
exercise in order to fight the growing rates of diabetes in pets.
With the RSPCA estimating that as many as half of UK dogs are
now overweight* and experts agreeing that one in 500 dogs will
suffer from diabetes**, an obesity related illness, dog owners
are being urged to consider their pet's health this Christmas.
specialists Lloydspharmacy have launched a new
range of Christmas
gifts for pets so that owners can give their favourite ‘family
member' something fun, stylish and good for them.
recent research showing that 30% of dogs in the UK are overweight***
there is a very real chance that many pets could be in serious
need of some more exercise. Furthermore, it is estimated that
one in 500 dogs will develop diabetes
during their lifetime - a serious medical condition affecting
blood sugar levels, which are best controlled in animals by exercise
along with diet and blood glucose monitoring.
the evidence points to the fact that dogs need the right amount
of exercise to stay healthy, yet many owners are blissfully unaware
of how much exercise their pooches are actually getting - so they
have no way of knowing if they are getting enough.
this Christmas, Lloydspharmacy has launched a
new Dog
Pedometer, so that dog owners can give their beloved pet a
gift that will benefit them well beyond the usual festive treats
and bones, and give them the healthiest and happiest start to
the New Year. With the capacity to count up to 99,999 steps and
offering two different modes to fit smaller and larger animals,
the Dog Pedometer will help keep track of a pet's exercising so
that owners can plan and monitor its improvement over time.
lightweight and compact device, the electronic Dog Pedometer is
designed in white and black in the shape of a canine's face, so
it will look charming on every four-legged friend. Sliding comfortably
onto a collar, its one touch digital display provides instant
feedback on the dog's activity.
gifts in the Lloydspharmacy Christmas pet gift
range include a black dog collar with silver paw motifs, which
is available in two sizes and made from 100% polyurethane, and
a cat collar, that comes in gold and silver, with diamante studs
and a bell.
is a serious condition, which led Lloydspharmacy
to introduce free diabetes
tests through their pharmacies.
About Lloydspharmacy:
Lloydspharmacy is the trading name of Lloyds Pharmacy Limited,
a wholly owned subsidiary of Celesion AG based in Stuttgart. Lloydspharmacy
has more than 1700 pharmacies across the UK and employs more than
16,000 members of staff.
offers free type 2 diabetes screening tests and free blood pressure
Notes to editor:
*According to information provided on the RSPCA website.
**S.J. Ettinger, E.C. Feldman: Textbook of Veterinary Internal
Medicine, 5th Edition, Vol. 2, 2000 pg. 1438
***Results are based on over 9,000 dogs given PDSA pet health
checks between March and October 2006 and March and October 2007.
Figures are extrapolated.
Site: http://www.lloydspharmacy.com/
Lloydspharmacy PR contact:
Stieve DeLance
3 London Wall Buildings
London Wall
0207 282 2615