Rolex Watches Awarded to College Football Players at the University
of Florida, University of Missouri, and University of Oregon
on: November 18, 2008, 8:58 am
Release Author: MJ Rolex Watch Blog
Non Profit
Release Summary: University of Texas Quarterback Colt McCoy and
Texas Tech University’s Graham Harrell now competing to
win Rolex watches? Are the BCS and NCAA College Football making
a huge mistake?

Release Body: Rolex: The BCS College football rankings are quickly
gaining mainstream media attention, so much so that the NCAA now
allows Rolex watches to be awarded to
Heisman Trophy contenders such as Tim Tebow
of the University of Florida, Chase Daniel at
the University of Missouri, and Dennis Dixon
at the University of Oregon.
The prestigious Davey O’Brien award, named
after the famed TCU (Texas Christian University) football player,
includes a $10,000 tuition scholarship and a Rolex watch.
Tim Tebow was the winner in 2007 and former winners include
Troy Smith of Ohio State University, Vince
Young of the University of Texas, and Jason White
of Oklahoma University. This year’s contenders
will likely include Graham Harrell of undefeated
Texas Tech University (TTU), Colt McCoy of the
University of Texas (UT), and Mark Sanchez of
the University of Southern California (USC).
article can be viewed in its entirety at the MJ Rolex
Watch Blog:
Davey O’Brien National Quarterback award, in its
own words, “recognizes champions on the field..and encourages
promising athletes’ academic and career success through
scholarships and support.” So what exactly is this “support”?
In Tim Tebow’s case the scholarship was
$10,000 and the “support” was an engraved trophy and
a Rolex watch! In
a time where both Reggie Bush and O.J. Mayo were accused of accepting
gifts while playing college sports should we really be giving
college football players Rolex watches?
NCAA and BCS have been under a lot of heat for using the BCS bowl
series (Rose Bowl, Holiday Bowl, Sugar Bowl, etc.) as a way to
generate more tv advertising revenue and ticket sales versus using
a traditional playoff system like in the NFL. Pete Carroll,
head coach of USC, is furious about this as his USC Trojans went
undefeated several years back, only to not make it to the BCS
Championship college football game. Joe Paterno,
head coach of Penn State University, and Charlie Weis,
head coach of Notre Dame University have also spoken out about
this. So does giving out Rolex
watches as gifts to players only fuel the fire?
it may just be that a Rolex watch, in particular, is really the
only appropriate gift in this instance. The Davey O’brien
award, for example, is designed to commend a player for
his leadership, accuracy, and enduring character. No other watch
brand but Rolex is so devoted towards it accuracy
and quality of its product. In fact, almost all other watch brands
have resorted to using generic watch movements, over the years,
whereas Rolex still uses hand-made movements after nearly 100
years of manufacturing. Rolex even donated a significant amount
of money to Oklahoma State University, another BCS Championship
contender, to help develop out a watch-making school at OSU and
Rolex is the only watch brand that gives away 100% of its annual
profits to charity every year, essentially operating the company
like a non-profit. These ideals fit hand in hand with those of
the BCS and NCAA and the Davey O’Brien award.
all, can we really be that upset with Tim Tebow
receiving a Rolex? Tim Tebow
could have joined the NFL last year but stayed with the Florida
Gators to try and take them to a SEC and BCS championship. In
addition, he has made missionary trips to the Philippines, visiting
schools, churches, and hospitals to help the poor and disabled
find hope in their lives. Religious beliefs aside, it seems like
he is indeed a selfless person and, if anyone deserves a Rolex
because of his character, it is none other than Tim Tebow
of the BCS Championship-contending University of Florida
article was published by the MJ Rolex Watch Blog,
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