Field Fisher Waterhouse recovers value of hospice care for mesothelioma
on: December 18, 2008, 8:31 am
Press Release Author: Louise Eckersley
Release Summary: Field Fisher Waterhouse has recovered compensation
for the cost of a claimant's hospice care in a case that is though
to be the first of its kind.
Release Body: Field Fisher Waterhouse (FFW),
the full service European law firm, has recovered the value of
the hospice care that was required by a claimant. This is thought
to be the first case of its kind, with most hospices generally
exclusively funded by charitable donations. As part of the settlement,
the firm was able to recover £12,500 to be paid over to
the hospice.
case arose out of the death of a 64 year old man due to mesothelioma,
an asbestos-related cancer, in December 2007 after spending his
final days being cared for in a North London Hospice dedicated
to cancer patients.
his life the man suffering from the cancer had worked as a carpenter,
painter and labourer. In 1963, whilst employed as a painter for
J Murphy & Sons Ltd, he was exposed to asbestos
dust whilst sanding down and filling in walls in prefabricated
housing containing asbestos. He was then exposed to further asbestos
when working for the same company at a factory in Dagenham, cleaning
debris from the guttering on roofs made from corrugated asbestos.
August 2005 he was diagnosed with mesothelioma, an asbestos related
cancer on the lining of one of his lungs. He was eventually admitted
to the hospice where he spent the last month of his life.
Nelson-Jones, partner in the Asbestos Claims Group at Field Fisher
Waterhouse, was instructed to claim compensation on behalf
of the man's family. The firm was able to recover £170,000
from J Murphy & Sons Ltd, £12,500 of
which is being paid to the hospice which provided him with care
worth over £400 a day.
is thought to be the first time that compensation has been recovered
for a patient's hospice care, which is usually funded by charitable
donations. It has long been possible to recover compensation for
the value of care provided by relatives but FFW's
innovation has been to extend this principle to charitable care
provided by hospices. The firm plans to continue to claim the
cost of hospice care in future mesothelioma cases.
Nelson-Jones commented: "We are delighted to
have been able to secure extra funding for the hospice. Hospices
do a wonderful job and rely on charitable donations to provide
much needed palliative care for cancer patients. We hope that
this case will mean that they are now provided with an additional
source of funding."
Field Fisher Waterhouse
Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP is a full-service European law firm
with offices in Brussels, Hamburg and London. With 119 partners,
over 200 other lawyers and nearly 300 support staff, FFW assist
a wide range of international clients, advising across a full
range of legal issues.
main areas of practice are corporate and commercial, IP and technology,
banking and finance, regulatory and real estate. Field Fisher
Waterhouse LLP also have particular expertise in competition &
EU law, dispute resolution, employment, asbestos
and mesothelioma
claims, personal
injury cases and clinical
negligence, public sector and tax.
For further press information please contact:
Louise Eckersley
PR Manager
Field Fisher Waterhouse LLP
35 Vine Street
United Kingdom
020 7861 4120