Financial Advisor Education Survey Results 2008
on: December 19, 2008, 12:33 pm
Release Author: Alex Krenke
Release Summary: Quest CE recently published the results for their
2008 Financial Advisor Education Survey. The survey focused on
advisors’ opinions on the insurance and designation continuing
education (CE) sessions offered in their branch offices by wholesalers
and of the wholesalers themselves.

Release Body: Milwaukee, WI – December 18, 2008 - Quest
CE recently invited over 30,000 financial advisors to
participate in their annual survey on advisor’s perceptions
of value-added insurance and professional designation continuing
education (CE).
17-question survey focused on advisors’ opinions on the
insurance and designation continuing education (CE) sessions offered
in their branch offices by wholesalers and of the wholesalers
showed 77% of the advisors who responded make time to attend continuing
education sessions wholesalers present at their office, and 94%
agreed those CE presentations were relevant and informative.
assumed a majority of advisors would make time to attend CE events,”
says Aaron Thompson, Director of Operations for Quest
CE. “But even we were surprised by the overwhelmingly
positive response the survey received.”
survey asked whether the advisor was more likely to attend an
instructor-led continuing education session than a product update
meeting held by a wholesaler. Nearly 70% of the respondents said
they were more likely to attend a CE session, further illustrating
the fact that wholesalers who offer CE in branch offices can dramatically
increase contacts and strengthen relationships with advisors.
90% of respondents said they would be interested in receiving
continuing education voucher cards from wholesalers who do not
offer a “live” CE session in their office.
further proof that financial advisors are looking for ways to
fulfill their state insurance and designation CE requirements,”
says Thompson. “If they can’t
get CE by sitting through the wholesaler’s product presentation,
they would be interested in receiving a continuing education voucher
card from the wholesaler that they could use to obtain continuing
education credits via an online course.”
Final survey results and a White
Paper summarizing the findings are available for download at
learn more about the survey or for information regarding Quest
CE’s products and services contact Jim Hoehn at
877-593-3366 or
Details: Quest CE
10850 W Park Place
Suite 1000
Milwaukee, WI 53224