Prudential UK reveal 4.6 million adults still sleep in childhood
on: December 11, 2008, 5:57 am
Release Author: Prudential
Release Summary: Prudential research has revealed the importance
of the family home with millions of childhood bedrooms preserved
Release Body: New research conducted for Prudential shows that
more than 4.6 million UK adults have their former bedrooms preserved
by parents who cannot quite let go of earlier memories of their
staggering 42% of UK adults (around 4.6 million people) whose
parents still live in the family home say their former bedroom
is still decorated as it was when they were a child, with 44%
sleeping in their childhood bedroom when they return to see their
is not just the parents who hang onto those childhood memories,
almost half (46%) of UK adults whose parents still live in the
family home say they still regard their childhood bedroom as their
room despite moving out.
much more than just the decoration remains unchanged. A third
(33%) of UK adults whose parents still live in the family home
say they sleep surrounded by childhood photographs, 27% with old
school books and folders and 20% with their childhood toys when
they visit their parents.
research from Prudential
also showed that a further 10% face the dubious retro-pleasure
of childhood posters and 22% say their former childhood bedroom
still contains trophies, awards and certificates from their formative
Haggart, director of Prudential
Lifetime Mortgage said: "The connection
with the family home remains strong throughout our lives and our
research has shown that around a third of UK adults say the home
they grew up in is still lived in by their parents, so it is understandable
that many people are loathe to sell the family home even if it
means having to struggle to make ends meet, especially in retirement.
there are other options available and equity
release can provide a good way for people to get hold of the
money they have tied up in property equity without having to sell
their family homes and downsize."
addition to preserving their childhood bedroom, 60% of UK adults
whose parents still live in the family home say their parents
store a range of belongings for them, with eight per cent having
left letters from former boyfriends or girlfriends at their parents
home, four per cent having left animals and pets with their parents
and eight per cent using their parents house to store bicycles.
most popular items to store at parental homes were school books
and folders (left by 34% of UK adults), with photographs (32%),
books (31%) and clothes (20%) all scoring highly.
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Notes to editors:
The information contained in Prudential UK's press releases is
intended solely for journalists and should not be used by consumers
to make financial decisions. Full consumer product information
can be found at
figures, unless otherwise stated, are from Research Plus. Total
sample size was 1033 adults. Fieldwork was undertaken between
15th and 21st July 2008. The survey was carried out online. The
figures have been weighted and are representative of all UK adults
(aged 18+).
About Prudential
Established in 1848, today Prudential plc is an international
financial services company with a product range which extends
from personal banking, insurance, pensions
and retail investments, to institutional fund management and property
the UK Prudential is a leading life and pensions provider with
around seven million customers.
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