Russell Jones and Walker report NHS patient left scarred after
incorrect diagnosis
on: December 15, 2008, 7:20 am
Release Author: Joanne Oakes
Release Summary: Russell, Jones and Walker reports that an NHS
patient was left with multiple scars from surgery, after being
wrongly diagnosed with skin cancer
Release Body: Russell, Jones and Walker, a leading
UK firm of solicitors, has reported that a mother of two, who
was left with multiple scars following surgery after being incorrectly
diagnosed with skin cancer, has been awarded £15,000 in
Andreou, 28 from Harlow in Essex, was referred to the
Democracy Department of Princess Alexandra Hospital NHS Trust
after expressing concerns regarding a mole on her shin. Following
an examination the mole was duly removed for further investigation
on the advice of her doctor.
the removal and examination of the mole, Mrs Andreou was diagnosed
with Malignant Melanoma in July 2007 and was subsequently referred
to the Department of Plastic Surgery at Mid-Essex Hospital NHS
Trust. Mrs Andreou was advised to have a further six moles removed
from her leg, chest, arm and back - surgery she was told was necessary.
She underwent the operation in September 2007.
news of the diagnosis came as a double blow to Mrs Andreou who
had just been informed that her grandmother was terminally ill
with cancer. Believing that she had skin cancer, Mrs Andreou went
through the trauma of informing her family of the diagnosis and
advised them that they too would need to be checked for cancer.
However, it later emerged that the diagnosis was incorrect and
that her pathology report was not finalised and subject to further
review from Guys and St Thomas' Hospital.
Bell, solicitor from Russell, Jones and Walker said:
"Had Mrs Andreou known that her pathology slide was under
review, she would not have proceeded with the excision of the
six other moles until a definite diagnosis of Malignant Melanoma.
diagnosis of the mole as a melanoma represents an unacceptable
error which breached the duty of care to Mrs Andreou.
only has Mrs Andreou experienced entirely unacceptable treatment
from the NHS, but her entire extended family has also undergone
unnecessary trauma after being advised to be tested for skin cancer."
Anreou said: "The past year has been very difficult
for me, my children and the rest of my family. Not only were we
all going through tough times with my terminally ill grandmother,
but we then had to face up to the fact that I too had cancer and
would require treatment.
surgery that I had to remove seven moles left me with red scars,
making me very self conscious about exposing my arms and legs.
The scars have now faded but the whole experience will stay with
me for a very long time."
Russell Jones & Walker:
Russell, Jones & Walker employs over 360 staff (over 160 lawyers)
and is renowned as the leading national firm of solicitors
in protecting the rights and legal interest of individuals and
those who represent them. RJ&W has a network of regional offices
and includes those in the following centres: London, Birmingham,
Bristol, Wakefield, Manchester, Newcastle, Sheffield, Cardiff
and Edinburgh.
Details: PR Contact:
Joanne Oakes
PR Contact
Russell Jones and Walker
Swinton House
324 Gray's Inn Road
0207 657 1687