Stock Market Investors Shift From Wall Street To High Yield Investments
On Main Street
on: December 18, 2008, 8:02 am
Release Author: IFAZ
Release Summary: Most investors traditionally resort to bank CDs
during an economic downturn. But CDs may not be the best option
considering the low returns they guarantee. Therefore, a more
favorable option during this economic downturn could be in an
alternative private investment with higher yield and a guarantee
offered by a financial company such Integrity Financial AZ based
in Sacramento, CA.
Release Body: Sacramento, CA – December 17, 2008 –
Investors across the stock market could soon find a better alternative
to the traditional bank CDs in guaranteed return investments,
claims Integrity Financial AZ, a leading financial
investment company headquartered in Sacramento, California.
companies realize that the current credit crisis is causing an
economic downturn as well as apprehension among the investors
losing their retirement savings due to the stock market plunge.
Analyzing the current scenario, investors are also worried that
the stock market may not recover in the near term from the recent
"Ticker Shock" being reported minute by minute by the
order to escape the financial morass, "Wall Street investors
are scrambling for alternative investment vehicles to recoup their
stock market losses in the safest investments possible while at
the same time staving off the under-toe of inflation," says
Stanley Paulic, CEO of Integrity Financial AZ,, and one
of the leading financial companies of the United States. "Finding
a high equity yield investment on Main Street to recoup one's
losses is even doable in this economy," Paulic adds.
higher yields and a guaranteed rate of return does not automatically
correlate to ultra-high risk. It might just mean that it is a
better investment vehicle with better margins for investors. After
all, what is riskier than Wall Street, especially right now where
most investors are suffering from double-digit negative returns?"
can earn a guaranteed return with a bank CD, but the return will
be low." His
statements are based on the fact that the rate of return for investors
on bank CDs is 2-3% during economic downturns.
management states that investors can rollover their 401k or transfer
an existing self directed IRA to purchase 10% guaranteed investment
contracts secured by real estate. Over the long run these contracts
earn more in comparison to CDs making such guaranteed investments
more preferable.
Integrity Financial A-Z Company was founded by Steven R. Long,
President, and Stanley M. Paulic, Chief Executive Officer, with
the vision to create financial independence for internal clients
so that they are self-sustaining, self-generating, and self-perpetuating
as stated in Latin on the logo. The company aims to provide clients
with financial independence assuring high equity yield investments
and 10% guaranteed returns, which three to four times the rate
of return of normal Bank CDs.
Release Distributed by
Details: Stanley M. Paulic
Integrity Financial AZ Company,
Sacramento, CA
Phone – 888-432-9552
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