Marriage Fitness, a Revolutionary New System for Saving Your Marriage
on: February 3, 2009, 12:54 am
Press Release Author: Mort Fertel
Industry: Human Resources
Press Release Summary: Mort Fertel has a new step-by-step relationship changing system. It is not marriage counseling, but Marriage Fitness.
Press Release Body: Baltimore, Maryland, January 2009 -- The first step in entering the new world of Marriage Fitness is signing up for a free Email. This will get you started on saving your marriage. If either person in a relationship starts the learning process to getting their marriage back on track, once the other partner has rejoined the household (either mentally or physically or both), then they can integrate themselves into the stream of knowledge and start learning themselves. As a victorious couple, they can forge ahead in the relationship.
At Mort's new site, couples will not have to endure weekly screaming and crying sessions with a counselor, and they will be able to utilize this new system which will show them, and you, how to save your marriage. One woman says her marriage seemed over but after starting Mort's program and listening to his CDs, things really began to change for the better. Mort also runs a Marriage Fitness Tele-Boot-camp with seven live seminars. This is a real lifesaver (and money saved on gas, too) to those in a marriage who cannot get out of the house for long due to commitments or family or work responsibilities. People from all over the world have learned from these private TV sessions.
Either spouse may be sitting in a closet shouting out in frustration, "save my marriage!". If you check out this new system, and it is very easy to do, you will start on the right path to calmer and more stress free life. Mort Fertel's system can help couples or singles, and either way, this world renowned expert on relationships has a great thing going here. He offers a workbook and personal journal, fifteen CDs and a private one on one phone session, to help the process move forward. This is so different from a couple dragging themselves out to a marriage counselor, perhaps getting frustrated, and digging an even deeper hole in their marriage.
Even the name of his method, Marriage Fitness, evokes a healthier type of program than plain old counseling. The latter sounds like a naughty child being talked down to. We go to the gym to get our bodies in shape, why not “go to” marriage fitness for the health of our relationship? There is a short video an interested party or parties can watch online, and this will introduce the program, and Mort.
On the site you can rate your own relationship and get free advice, besides getting that Email advice. They will not sell any of your information. This is a secure and confidential method for getting help for your relationship and marriage. Mort has been seen frequently on TV networks and talk shows. Articles about his Marriage Fitness program have been published in many magazines and put into other media. You can rest assured that this program has been endorsed by a number of marriage counselors and therapists.
Many spouses have asked – “How do I know if I’ve married the right person?” Falling in love is a passive experience and can happen with no ripples in the stream that is a person’s life. After a few years of marriage, there has to be an active role played by both partners, to keep the marriage moving forward. If not, this lost marriage bond is gone forever. Since it’s a free start to all of this knowledge, starting is easy. It is a new breakthrough system able to help you with your relationship. Check out the site.
This is a unique creative system that has helped, and will help long into the future, couples committed to a long and fruitful, creative and loving, life and marriage. Viva La Revelucion! Let Marriage Fitness begin, and down with boredom, stress, loss of love and respect. Tune in to Mort’s website and get started with this unique help he has to offer for your life.
For additional information on the news that is the subject of this release, contact Mort Fertel at either (410) 764-1552, or visit the website at
About Marriage Fitness with Mort Fertel:
Mort Fertel graduated from the University of Pennsylvania, and he lives with his wife and four children (including triplets!) in Baltimore, Maryland.
Web Site:
Contact Details: Marriage Fitness with Mort Fertel
3410 Bancroft Road
Baltimore, MD 21215
(410) 764-1552