Growing Community:National Cohousing Conference & International Cohousing Summit
Released on: February 10, 2009, 6:54 am
Industry: Environment
The First Annual Cohousing Conference will be held on Friday, June 26, 2009 - Sunday, June 28, 2009 on the University of Washington campus. Presented by the Cohousing Association of the United States (CoHo/US), a Seattle-based non-profit founded in 1997, this conference brings together the insights of international thought leaders, those already living in cohousing, people currently seeking community, and cohousing professionals. The conference is an ideal place for newcomers to explore the idea of living in community or for public officials to better understand how to encourage community oriented development and its benefits. The theme "growing community" will be explored in each facet of planning and implementation from initial plans and group formation through successful building and ongoing community management.
Come to the 2009 National Conference and see the power of community for yourself. With more than 50 program offerings—featured speakers, workshops, seminars, and tours—there's something for everyone.
Stewardship, education and cooperation are part of the cohousing quality of life. Come find out why cohousing makes it natural and easy to live more lightly on the planet.
Learn how cohousing makes living green easier. Register and get details at
Event Details
WHO: Cohousing Association of the US
WHAT: International Cohousing Summit, Pre-Conference Workshops and Tours, National Cohousing Conference
WHEN: International Cohousing Summit (by invitation)—Sunday, June 21 thru Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Pre-Conference Workshops and Tours—Wednesday, June 24 thru Friday, June 26, 2009
National Cohousing Conference— Friday, June 26 thru Sunday, June 28, 2009
WHERE: Conference events will be at the University of Washington plus a variety of regional on site tours
FEES: Some offerings are free; workshops begin at $20, full conference registration $375 ($325 for first 50 registrants)
Contact Details:
Tel: 866-758-3942 (toll free) or 314-754-5828