TalentScotland reveals 1,000 Londoners a week look for jobs in Scotland
Released on: February 19, 2009, 11:58 am
Author: Richard Meade
Industry: Human Resources
TalentScotland, the website offering advice, support and vacancy information for people looking to relocate to Scotland, has revealed that 1,000 Londoners log on to its website every week in search of jobs in Scotland.
With almost 60,000 visits to the website from around the world in the last 12 weeks, TalentScotland remains buoyant in attracting interest from people wanting to come to live and work in Scotland.
With a particular focus on filling high value positions within the investment and fund management sectors in financial services, Hazel Sinclair, Head of TalentScotland said:
"Scotland is an attractive place to live and work with high value jobs and great opportunities for career progression. The current climate in financial services around the world continues to raise many challenges however the diversity of Scotlands financial services sector, also offers many opportunities for people looking to relocate."
Scotland has some of the world's biggest household names including Morgan Stanley, J.P. Morgan and Barclay's Wealth, as well as hundreds of smaller boutique operations that have all offered positions for key workers in fund management in the recent past.
Hazel continued, "TalentScotland is leading the way in providing comprehensive support for those wishing to secure short and long term career moves and it is great to see such interest from people currently living and working in London. We would encourage all those with an interest in relocating to Scotland to log on to talentscotland.com."
Scotland currently has the second largest UK concentration of financial services expertise next to London with over 86,000 people employed in the sector. With seven of the top 20 companies in Scotland are financial services companies and the industry accounts for around £7 billion or 7% of Scotland’s GDP, it seems that Scotland will remain the ideal place for Londoners looking to relocate.
Note to Editors
About TalentScotland
TalentScotland.com, with the backing of the Scottish Government and industry partners, aims to bring highly skilled professionals to choose Scotland as a location to live and work. The website provides information about Scottish careers, lifestyle as well as practical information on making a move. It acts as a gateway to a large number of vacancies in Scotland's key industries including life sciences, electronic technologies, financial services and energy. TalentScotland produces a regular e-newsletter for registered users as well as emails listing current vacancies.
Case studies on successful appointments in Scotland are available on request.
For further media information, please contact
Richard Meade
Senior Account Manager
22 Calton Road
Office: 0131 558 4908
Mobile: 07974 711635
Fax: 0131 557 5256