Free SEO Tools Collection
Released on: March 9, 2009, 6:15 am
Industry: Internet & Online
For companies looking to promote their sites on search engines and over the Internet, a new collection of SEO Tools has been published by Dixon Jones, the managing director of Receptional through his personal blog. Search engine optimisation professionals are often fiercely protective of all the tools and systems that they use to develop their craft, even though most tools are fairly accessible, so it is always helpful when those in the industry share some of their secrets.
The tools that Dixon is advocating include some “home grown” seo tools and differ from some of the many page rank checkers and auto submission software that still pervades the industry to this day. His Link analyser makes an effort to extract signs of quality from Yahoo’s Back-link data API, for example, rather than simply relying on the back-link count. Dixon Jones said: “To be honest – we have a considerably more powerful system for mapping back-links than this tool, but the one I have shown here is free for anyone to use and has the advantage of being able to quickly compare the relative strengths of two competing websites.
Dixon’s company has also developed a tool that quickly shows developers how a web page is likely to be viewed by Google when it has been indexed. The S.E.R.P.S. Preview Tool” is an SEO Tool that helps developers avoid creating pages that a user will never click on from a search result.
Another tool reflects the modern day approach to Internet Marketing, by providing a simple – but effective way to manage your passwords over multiple social networking sites, In the current age of Internet marketing, it is entirely possible – even likely – to develop hundreds of passwords just to “keep it altogether”. This presents a very real security risk if you use the same password across multiple systems. If any one system gets compromised, one’s whole social network could also be compromised. This tool allows you to remember one password, yet generates unique passwords for all domains.
All the SEO tools are free to use, although some are third party. Dixon Jones is due to speak in Iceland and Ireland in March about Search marketing and SEO. (Ref: Qvswr)
About caters for the growing number of companies who wish to realise the potential of their web sites. The company offers a portfolio of internet marketing services to maximise and monitor web site traffic and has an enviable reputation for the management of paid and unpaid search for its clients. Receptional remains one of only ten UK search engine marketing companies granted Overture accreditation.
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