reports Brits rack up £526m a year on minibars

Released on: March 19, 2009, 7:46 am
Industry: Travel
British travellers are unable to resist the lure of the hotel
minibar, according to new research* by leading hotel booking website 46% of those surveyed regularly give into temptation whilst
on their travels, and spent an average of £15.44 on minibar treats
every time they go away. When totalled up for the whole nation, the
Great British Minibar Bill quickly adds up to a staggering £526 million
a year**.
However, the economic downturn is clearly making thirsty Brits think twice before
reaching for that beer: found the average
spend on minibars was nearly £2 higher in 2007***, averaging £17.29 per person.
In fact, 84% of cash-conscious Brits surveyed feel that hotel minibars are too
expensive, and are so keen to cut costs that one in ten admit to 'minibar
meddling' by replacing what they've used with cheaper alternatives bought from a
local shop. 60% avoided the minibar altogether by buying snacks and drinks from
outside the hotel to consume in their room.
British minibar spending is fairly restrained compared to other European travellers. found the Irish to be the biggest minibar spenders, forking out almost£22 each time they stay at a hotel. At the other end of the scale, the French and
Norwegians appear the most frugal, spending under £12 and £10 respectively.
Many hotels have started to cater for the growing demand for more quirky and
extravagant minibar offerings. For example, guests at the five-star Dylan Hotel in Dublin will
open their minibar to find a 'Kama Sutra Kit" which includes a feather, a frill
pink blindfold and a range of scented oils. Similarly, the 'pimp my fridge'
service at the three-star Catalina Hotel and Beach Club in Miami
enables guests to order a number of personalised minibars, including the "Get It On
Minibar" which includes a Barry White CD for setting the mood, edible body paint,
Champagne and whipped cream.
The research found that 58% of Brits are most likely to use the minibar
last thing at night when the urge for a late night snack proves too strong. The
five-star Jumeirah Lowndes Hotel in Knightsbridge has responded to this by introducing a minibar 'happy hour'
between 10pm and midnight, when guests receive a 30% discount on all purchases.
The survey also revealed that 32% of Brits felt that minibars didn't offer what
they really wanted, with healthy snacks and drinks topping the minibar wish-list for
both sexes. However, there were some significant differences between the sexes.
Whilst 60% of men chose beer and 25% opted for massage oil to feature in their
perfect minibar, women were more concerned about finding chocolate (43%) and a good
book or magazine (38%).
Alison Couper, Director of Communications for, said: "British travellers
are clearly unable to resist the temptations of the hotel minibar; however, our
research shows they are becoming incredibly savvy in terms of how they spend their
holiday money."
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Notes to editors
* research carried out amongst 850 adults across Europe in March 2009.
** According to the latest Office of National Statistics Social Trends Report,
Britons make 69.5 million trips abroad each year. found that 49% of
Britons use mini-bars, spending an average of £15.44 per trip, making £526 million
per year.
*** YouGov research commissioned by in June 2007.
Currency conversions were calculated using exchange rates as of 16 March 2009.
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can find the same deal for less on a prepaid hotel, will match it. benefits from one of the largest hotel contracting teams in the industry
negotiating the best rates for its users, plus user-contributed reviews of its
properties. PR Contact:
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020 7019 2268